-> 15.-17.2.2022
International Fair for Packaging and Printing

27.2. - 2.3. 2018
International Fair for Packaging and Printing

Awarded exhibits GOLDEN EMBAXPRINT 2018
TTO Videojet DataFlex®6530
Product: TTO Videojet DataFlex®6530
Producer: Videojet Technologies, Inc.
Exhibitor: JaGa, spol. s r.o.
Location: Hall G1, No. st. 057

Limitag V5 CMYK
Product: Limitag V5 CMYK
Producer: Limitronic, S.L.
Exhibitor: ONDRÁŠEK INK-JET SYSTÉM spol. s r.o.
Location: Hall G1, Packaging Live

Landbox ® Hanf – termoizolační balení z technického konopí
Product: Landbox ® Hanf – termoizolační balení z technického konopí
Producer: Landpack GmbH
Exhibitor: TransPak CZ s.r.o.
Location: Hall G, No. st. 033