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Calendario de Ferias, Exposiciones y Eventos

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KABO | 19.-21.8. 2017

Feria Internacional de Calzado y Piel
[EN] KABO Footwear Fair is the most prestigious professional show of the products of Czech and foreign footwear...

REHAPROTEX | 19.-22.9. 2017

Feria de Rehabilitación, Prótesis y Salud
[EN] REHAPROTEX is an important meeting place for domestic and foreign suppliers of medical technologies, health care...

Exposición Nacional Moravo-Silesia Canina | 23.-24.9. 2017

[EN] More information about the organization of competitions, including dogs, applications: www.intercanis.cz .

MSV | 9.-13.10. 2017

Feria Internacional de Maquinaria
[EN] The International Engineering Fair (MSV) is the leading industrial trade fair in Central Europe with annual...

Transport and Logistics | 9.-13.10. 2017

[EN] International Fair for Transport and Logistics
[EN] BVV’s International Transport & Logistics Trade Fair is a major event in Central and Eastern Europe’s fair...
Transport and Logistics

Automation | 9.-13.10. 2017

[EN] Measuring, control, automation and regulation technology
[EN] Industrial automation is the main theme of MSV, presenting measuring, control, automation and control equipment,...

ENVITECH | 9.-13.10. 2017

Feria Internacional de Tecnologías de Protección Ambiental
[EN] One of the few fairs in Central Europe focusing on technology, products and services contributing towards...

Royal Air Force | 12.-26.10. 2017

Royal Air Force – The Exhibition
Place: Morava Pavilion in the Brno Exhibition Center Both the exhibition and accompanying publication will include...
Royal Air Force

Concierto El Parov Stelar Band | 20/10/2017


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