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Calendario de Ferias, Exposiciones y Eventos

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VeteránTechna | 16/04/2022

the largest stock exchange of historic vehicles in the Czech Republic
VeteránTechna - the largest stock exchange of historic vehicles in the Czech Republic. You will find it in Pavilion Z...

Building Fairs Brno | 21.-23.4. 2022

Building Fair Brno
[EN] The Building Fair Brno presents a cross-section view of the entire construction industry. It covers...
Building Fairs Brno

DSB | 21.-23.4. 2022

Timber Construction Fair Brno
[EN] The DSB -Timber Construction Fair Brno fair features a complete presentation of various types of wooden...

MOBITEX | 21.-23.4. 2022

Furniture and Interior Design Fair
[EN] The MOBITEX Furniture and Interior Design Fair presents the latest trends in interior furnishings and home...

PPM QUILT SHOW BRNO | 22.-24.4. 2022

14th International Quilt Show Brno
The International Quilt Show Brno is the largest showcase of combined textile techniques not only in the Czech...

Beauty Forum Brno 2022 | 23.-24.4. 2022

The largest European network of Beauty Fairs
Beauty Forum is the largest European network of beauty fairs with more than thirty years of tradition, which is...
Beauty Forum Brno 2022

PRODÍTĚ | -> 2023

Sales-contracting fair of necessities for children
The ProDítě trade fair will not take place this year The management of Veletrhy Brno, in agreement with the...

Brněnský majáles 2022 | 07/05/2022

The largest festival for young people in South Moravia
All the good of Majales you know remains. But we are innovating and improving in all directions.
Brněnský majáles 2022

XXX. Annual Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology | 8.-10.5. 2022

XXX. annual congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology
This year's jubilee 30th year will be exceptional in that the lectures start on Sunday 8.5. in the morning and the...
XXX. Annual Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology

AMPER | 17.-20.5. 2022

Feria Internacional de Electrotécnica, Electrónica, de Automatización y Comunicación

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