26.5. - 17.6. 2018
Festival marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia

Daten & Fakten:
Celebrate the century with the Slovanská epopej (Slav Epic) and the largest Czechoslovak date!
There have never been such events before! The celebration of a century! The RE:PUBLIKA festival will open the gates to the Brno Exhibition Centre for three weeks. You simply can’t miss out on the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia.
- Untertitel: Festival marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia
- Veranstaltungsdatum: 26.5. - 17.6. 2018
- Veranstaltungsort: Messegelände Brünn
- Veranstalter: Messe Brünn
15. 6. 2018 | Gastrozone |
26. 5. 2018 | Eröffnung_Training von historischen Fahrzeugen |
22. 5. 2018 | Das Programm auf den Punkt gebracht |
17. 5. 2018 | Mucha - Vorverkauf beginnt |