24.-26.5. 2023
Internationale Fachmesse für Abwehr- und Sicherheitstechnik
JUFA s.r.o.
JUFA - A group of companies providing services in the field of virtual reality, augmentedreality, 3D visualization and process engineering in general.
Main activities:
Virtuplex - By applying the latest virtual and augmented reality technology, we gain competitiveadvantages for our clients and help them increase efficiency in a wide range of their activities.Verification of building or product concepts in the early stages of development, elimination oferrors by testing spaces before physical implementation, elimination of future errors and creation ofeducational applications for safe and effective acquisition of new knowledge - these are the mainbenefits we provide to our clients through our projects and solutions since 2018. We also run aworld-unique VR laboratory with an area of 600 m2 for authentic presentation and training insidevirtual models in a scale of 1: 1 to real size.
VR Alchemists - Prague-based multichannel creative studio focused on new media, interactiveprojects and latest technologies. Conventions free, run by award-winning talents.
VR medical - Alongside, we design exercises which after implementation into standard rehabilitationpractices will make your patient recover faster. Additionally, exercise will be more enjoyable, leadingto higher motivation. VR rehabilitation has also been shown to decrease pain and is able to monitorpatient's improvements. Furthermore, you will be able to increase the volume of rehabilitationprovided with the same number of employees
VR training - VR Training is increasing the efficiency and quality of professional trainings. That can beachieved by means of sophisticated solutions in virtual reality in the fields of industry, state institutionsand retail. Thanks to our own VR ecosystem, we can deliver complete solutions in virtual reality.