24.-26.5. 2023
Internationale Fachmesse für Abwehr- und Sicherheitstechnik

Military Research Institute
The Military Research Institute (in Czech: Vojenský výzkumný ústav, s.p., or VVÚ) with its registered office in Brno is a state enterprise established by the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic in 2012, with the nature of a research organization that successfully builds on its institutional predecessors and has more than 60 years of defence research and development tradition.
VVÚ is a sought-after partner for foreign customers from countries such as the USA, Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Slovakia and others. It is also a valued partner for cooperation on international projects of the European Defence Agency EDA and the European Space Agency ESA. VVÚ is involved in the solution of a number of research and development projects of support providers from the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, aimed at increasing the security of people, critical infrastructure protection, defence and national security.
New vehicles for reconnaissance CBRN units of the Czech Armed Forces
Paired vehicles, i.e. light armoured vehicles S-LOV-CBRN and LOV-CBRN II supplied by the state enterprise Military Research Institute Brno, have successfully passed demanding military tests and their deliveries to the Czech Armed Forces can begin, scheduled to take place gradually until 2023. The S-LOV-CBRN vehicle is equipped with detection means for reconnaissance and monitoring of the CBRN situation, means for demarcating contaminated areas and a robot for CBRN reconnaissance of the immediate surroundings. Its trailer then contains an outreach lucrative autonomous monitoring module for CBRN remote site monitoring and other support tools. The LOV-CBRN II vehicle complements the capabilities of the first vehicle and its equipment enables also mobile and pedestrian CBRN reconnaissance. The equipment also includes a kit for taking and transporting samples contaminated with CBRN substances, decontamination agents and a tactical jammer for protection against the launching of bait systems.