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24.-26.5. 2023

Internationale Fachmesse für Abwehr- und Sicherheitstechnik



Omnisys is a global provider of leading mission optimization solutions for defense and homeland security. The Omnisys BRO suite of battle resource optimization systems enables end-to-end planning, management and debriefing for integrated land, sea and air missions. The mission optimization leader in Israel’s defense industry for two decades, Omnisys delivers combat-proven solutions for diverse critical missions including intelligence gathering, spectrum management, air defense, air surveillance, border security and electronic warfare. Possessing deep multidisciplinary expertise, Omnisys develops cutting-edge real-time analysis and optimization technologies. Omnisys empowers mission commanders and other users to optimize critical decisions for maximized mission performance. 


BRO Planner
Mission Planning Team

BRO Commander
Combat Management Team

BRO Debriefer
Mission Debriefing Team

 BRO Delivering AI-based end-to-end optimization throughout the mission lifecycle.



Datum: 18.09.2021 13:25:00

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