24.-27.5. 2023
Internationale Fachmesse für Sicherheitstechnik

IDET, PYROS & ISET 2021 will present all components of the integrated rescue system
The importance of the defence and security capacities of the state always grows in difficult times. That is why it is of utmost importance to continue modernizing the armed forces and investing in high-quality equipment. A major show of innovations in the defence and security industry in the region of Central Europe is the IDET trade fair held in Brno. The PYROS and ISET trade fairs will take place concurrently. Once again, all components of the integrated rescue system will be presented.
15th IDET was the largest ever
The IDET International Defence and Security Technologies Fair ranks among the most important shows held in NATO countries. At the same time, it is unique for its connection, concurrently with PYROS and ISET fairs, to a comprehensive presentation of the Integrated Rescue System. This year's security fairs presented exhibits of a total of 534 companies from 35 countries and documented the growing strength of the Czech defence industry. Over the first three days 26 thousand visitors passed through the gates of the Exhibition Centre; on Saturday, there was an event for the general public called Safety Day - Rescuers for Children, which welcomed about 10000 visitors.
IDET ARENA: The Brno Metropolitan Police
Brno Municipal Police was established as an independent body of a Statutory City of Brno in 1992. It is the institution whose goal is improving safety and security within the community and performing other related tasks in compliance with Act No. 553/1991, coll. of Local police.

IDET ARENA: SWOT Team of the South Moravian Region Police Directorate
The SWOT team was set up on 1st of January 2010 with the range of action in the territory of the South Moravian Region, Region Vysočina as well as region of Zlín. Tasks of the SWOT team are unique and include mainly protection or restoration of security at public places. For combating the organised crime, it is mainly deployed for the purpose of perpetrators’ apprehension.

PYROS and ISET fairs will showcase new features to better protect lives, health and property
From 29 May to 1 June, the Brno Exhibition Centre will open a showcase of fire and security technology for police officers, professional and volunteer firefighters, security services, labour safety professionals and anyone who wants to learn about new technologies and trends.
IDET, PYROS and ISET 2019: Security Fairs Will Open New Opportunities for Business
Security has become a clear priority these days. At this time of increased risks deriving from new outbreaks of war, terrorist attacks as well as other threats, governments do not hesitate to invest in defense and security technologies. Along with that is growing the importance of the defense industry, which has traditionally a strong position in the Czech Republic. Companies present their new products aimed for security forces at trade fairs, to which the Brno‘s IDET has belonged since 1993. Next year on the verge of May and June, its fifteenth edition will be held, once again in partnership with the PYROS and ISET fairs, which present fire and safety equipment and services. There is considerable interest in participation already long time before, because both the Ministry of Defense and the Czech Police and Fire Rescue Brigade of the Czech Republic increase their budgets for medium-term purchasing plans.

Gelungene Verteidigungsmesse IDET
Der Messerverbund IDET – PYROS – ISET ist mit seiner geschäftlichen, politischen und internationalen Bedeutung die nach der MSV zweitwichtigste Veranstaltung dieses Jahres. An der Eröffnung am Mittwoch, dem 31. Mai nahmen der Präsident der Tschechischen Republik Miloš Zeman, der Verteidigungsminister Martin Stropnický, die Befehlshaber der Generalstäbe der Tschechischen und der Slowakischen Republik, Vertreter der Führung des Polizeipräsidiums der Tschechischen Republik und des Generaldirektorats des Feuerwehrretungskorps, ausländischer Verteidigungsministerien und diverser Botschaften teil. Aufgrund einer gemeinsamen Einladung des Verteidigungsministeriums der Tschechischen Republik und der Messe Brünn nahmen an der Messe 15 ausländische Delegationen aus Brasilien, Ägypten, den Philippinen, Frankreich, Kasachstan, Mazedonien, Norwegen, Schweden, Ruanda und den Nachbarländern teil.

IDET eröffnet von Präsident Zeman und Minister Stropnický
Ausgaben für Verteidigung sind zu erhöhen und tschechische Rüstungsfirmen zu fördern, stimmten die Gäste der offiziellen Eröffnung der 14. internationalen Messe IDET überein.
Brünner Messegelände öffnet sich für die Sicherheitsmessen IDET, PYROS und ISET
Am Mittwoch, dem 31. Mai öffnen sich in Brünn die Tore der Sicherheitsmessen – der 14. internationalen Fachmesse für Abwehr- und Sicherheitstechnik IDET, der 18. internationalen Fachmesse für Brandschutztechnik PYROS und der 9. internationalen Fachmesse für Sicherheitstechnik ISET, die zusammen eine Prestigeschau der Verteidigungs-, Brandschutz- und Sicherheitstechnologien in Mittel- und Osteuropa bilden.