Kongres Medical Summit Brno
17.-22.10. 2016
Kongress Medical Summit Brno

Daten & Fakten:
[EN] MEDICAL SUMMIT BRNO - Brno Health Week, during which dozens of conferences, congresses and seminars on various specialized topics are held.
- Untertitel: Kongress Medical Summit Brno
- Veranstaltungsdatum: 17.-22.10. 2016
- Veranstaltungsort: Messegelände Brünn
- Veranstalter: Messe Brünn
- Position der Messe: Nummer 1 in MOE
Schlagworte: Gesundheitswesen und Rehabilitation
Kongres Medical Fair

Messe Brünn

BVV, Erdgeschoss, Büro Z. 13