Rendezvénynaptár: Vásárok és egyéb rendezvények
Aktuális vásárok és rendezvények - Október 2022
PROFINTECH | 4.-7.10. 2022
Nemzetközi felületkezelés-technikai szakvásár
[EN] PROFINTECH, International Trade Fair for Surface Technology, has only been
in the exhibition calendar since...
Brno Oncology Days | 12.-14.10. 2022
Brno Oncology Days
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
on behalf of the organizing institution and the organizing committee, allow us to...
Mireille Mathieu jubileumi turné | 2022.10.20.
Mireille Mathieu Anniversary Tour
Mireille Mathieu and her band are preparing for the European concert tour Anniversary Tour, on which they will...
REGIONTOUR | 20.-23.10. 2022
International Fair for Regional Tourism
[EN] It is the largest presentation of the tourism
industry with emphasis on regions in Central Europe.
Caravaning Brno | 20.-23.10. 2022
Feria Internacional de Autocaravanas
[EN] Caravaning Brno, the International
Caravaning Show, is one of the most significant events of this type in the...
A rehabilitációs, kompenzációs és protetikus segédeszközök nemzetközi szakvására
[EN] REHAPROTEX is an important meeting place for domestic and foreign suppliers of medical technologies, health care...