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Calendario fiere, esposizioni ed eventi

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MODELLBRNO | 17/giu/2017

Incontro modellistico europeo. Campionato della Repubblica Ceca per allievi di modellismo plastico, esposizione e concorso
(EN) MODELLBRNO is one the largest European get-together for plastic scale modelers and contest exhibition. The event...

PROPET | 24.-25.6. 2017

14. Esposizione dei prodotti per l'allevamento
[EN] The Fair of Breeders' and Riders' Equipment PROPET is the largest specialized contracting and sales show in the...

INTERCANIS | 24.-25.6. 2017

Esposizione canina internazionale

INTERFELIS | 24.-25.6. 2017

Esposizione internazionale felina

Placebo | 26/giu/2017

Concert of Placebo

Brno Revival Mezi Pavilony | 15.-16.7. 2017

Brno Revival "Between the Pavilions" 2017
Brno Revival “Mezi pavilony” / “Between the Pavilions” is a social sport event, that presents the noble beauty...
Brno Revival Mezi Pavilony

STYL | 19.-21.8. 2017

Fiera internazionale della moda
[EN] STYL Fashion Fair is the business and commercial peak of the fashion industry. It is where exhibitors from all...

KABO | 19.-21.8. 2017

Fiera internazionale delle calzature e dei prodotti in pelle
[EN] KABO Footwear Fair is the most prestigious professional show of the products of Czech and foreign footwear...

REHAPROTEX | 19.-22.9. 2017

Fiera del settore rieducazione, protesi e salute
[EN] REHAPROTEX is an important meeting place for domestic and foreign suppliers of medical technologies, health care...

Esposizione canina nazionale Moravoslesa | 23.-24.9. 2017

[EN] More information about the organization of competitions, including dogs, applications: www.intercanis.cz .

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