Kalendarz targów, wystaw i imprez
Aktualne targi i imprezy - Październik 2021
IDET | 6.-8.10. 2021
Międzynarodowe Targi Obronności i Technik Ochrony
[EN] IDET, International Fair of Defence and Security Technology, is one of the biggest shows of defence technology in...
PYROS | 6.-8.10. 2021
Międzynarodowe Targi Technik Pożarniczych
International Fair for Fire Fighting Equipment and Security Technology, is the
biggest event of this...
ISET | 6.-8.10. 2021
Międzynarodowe Targi Technik Zabezpieczenia i Usług Ochrony
International Fair for Fire Fighting Equipment and Security Technology, is the
biggest event of this...
Deborah De Luca 2021 | 08-10-2021

WOOD-TEC | ---
Feria Internacional de Maquinaria, Utensilios, Equipamientos y Materiales para madera
The 16th edition of WOOD-TEC postponed to 2020
[EN] WOOD-TEC is the most important trade fair for woodworking
MotorTechna Brno | 16-10-2021
Giełda pojazdów zabytkowych, części zamiennych i dokumentacji, wystawa pojazdów zabytkowychGO | ->3.-6.11.2022
International Travel Fair
[EN] It is the largest presentation of the tourism
industry with emphasis on regions in Central Europe.
REGIONTOUR | ->3.-6.11.2022
International Fair for Regional Tourism
[EN] It is the largest presentation of the tourism
industry with emphasis on regions in Central Europe.
Caravaning Brno | 21.-24.10. 2021
Międzynarodowa Wystawa Karawaningu
[EN] Caravaning Brno, the International Caravaning Show, is one of the most significant events of this type in the...
Targi Urządzeń Rehabilitacyjnych, Kompensujących i Protetycznych
[EN] REHAPROTEX is an important meeting place for domestic and foreign suppliers of medical technologies, health care...