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Kalendarz targów, wystaw i imprez

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Brno Oncology Days | 24.-25.4. 2014

Brno Oncology Days
[EN] The traditional event is held under the auspices of the Dean of the Medical faculty prof. MUDr. J. Mayer,...
Brno Oncology Days

Doroczny Zjazd Czeskiego Stowarzyszenia Kardiologicznego | 4.-7.5. 2014

[EN] This year the Czech Society of Cardiology (CSC) is organizing the 22nd Annual Congress.  The CSC is a successor...
Doroczny Zjazd Czeskiego Stowarzyszenia Kardiologicznego

Animefest | 9.-11.5. 2014

[EN] The largest Czech festival of Japanese comic (manga), animated movies (anime) and Japanese popculture
Animefest.CZ is the oldest and largest anime and manga convention in the Czech Republic, organized by a non-profit...

Freestyle Motocross | 17-05-2014

Freestyle Motocross
[EN] Almost three-hour program will introduce leading European freestylers in a number of competitions and embedded...

Service Delivery Forum International 2014 | 22-05-2014

[EN] Quality in IT Service Delivery - Best practices such as ITIL, COBIT, ISO 20000, USMBOK are bringing new...
Service Delivery Forum International 2014

MINERAŁY BRNO | 24.-25.5. 2014

30. Międzynarodowa Giełda Minerałów, Skamieniałości, Biżuterii i Produktów Naturalnych
Giełda Minerały Brno jest jednym z największych wydarzeń mineralogicznych w Republice Czeskiej. Wystawa odbywa się...

GRAND PRIX VINEX | 24.-25.5. 2014

International Wine Competition
[EN] GRAND PRIX VINEX is a traditional prestigious international wine competition, held in the Czech Republic. The...

INTERCANIS | 21.-22.6. 2014

Międzynarodowa Wystawa Psów

Kongres stomatologiczne | 25.-26.7. 2014

inny organizator Wydarzenie w centrum wystawowego w Brnie Kongres

STYL | 24.-26.8. 2014

Międzynarodowe Targi Mody
[EN] STYL Fashion Fair is the business and commercial peak of the fashion industry. It is where exhibitors from all...

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