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Kalendarz targów, wystaw i imprez

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FOND-EX | 1.-5.10. 2018

Międzynarodowe Targi Odlewnictwa
[EN] The International Foundry Fair FOND-EX is another of the traditional events held at Brno Exhibition Centre. It...

WELDING | 1.-5.10. 2018

Międzynarodowe Targi Technik Spawalniczych
[EN] WELDING has been taking place at the Brno Exhibition Centre since 1969. The last “welders’ festival” held...

PROFINTECH | 1.-5.10. 2018

Międzynarodowe Targi Obróbki Powierzchniowej
[EN]  PROFINTECH, International Trade Fair for Surface Technology, has only been in the exhibition calendar since...

PLASTEX | 1.-5.10. 2018

Międzynarodowe Targi Tworzyw Sztucznych i Kompozytów
[EN] PLASTEX - International Fair of Plastics, Rubber and Composites, is held at the Brno Exhibition Centre after four...

INTERPROTEC | 1.-5.10. 2018

Międzynarodowe Targi Wyposażenia, Bezpieczeństwa i Higieny Pracy
[EN] Based on discussions with the exhibitors and the results of this year's INTERPROTEC fair, we decide that these...

MotorTechna Brno | 20-10-2018

Giełda pojazdów zabytkowych, części zamiennych i dokumentacji, wystawa pojazdów zabytkowych
MotorTechna Brno

TATOO grand prix | 20.-21.10. 2018

TATOO grand prix
Tattoo Art Festival – Contest – Show  
TATOO grand prix

GAUDEAMUS | 23.-26.10. 2018

Europejskie Targi Edukacyjne i Kształcenia Ustawicznego

NdB Janacek Theater | 26.-28.10. 2018

[EN] Exhibition hall - pavilion P  
NdB Janacek Theater

Caravaning Brno | 8.-11.11. 2018

Międzynarodowa Wystawa Karawaningu
[EN] Caravaning Brno, the International Caravaning Show, is one of the most significant events of this type in the...
Caravaning Brno

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