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Kalendarz targów, wystaw i imprez

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EXPODENT | 12.-14.10.2011 (Praha)

Targi Stomatologii i Higieny Jamy Ustnej (Centrum Kongresowe Praga)
[EN] The pilot run of the Dentistry and Oral Health Fair EXPODENT, held 6–8 October 2010 in the Congress Centre...

WOOD-TEC | 18.-21.10. 2011

Miedzynarodowe Targi Maszyn, Wyposażenia i Surowców dla Przemysłu Drzewnego
[EN] WOOD-TEC is the number one trade fair for the woodworking sector throughout the enlarged EU member territory....

Medical Fair Brno / Rehaprotex | 18.-21.10. 2011

Międzynarodowe Targi Techniki Medycznej, Rehabilitacji i Ochrony Zdrowia
[EN] MEDICAL FAIR BRNO / REHAPROTEX is an important meeting place for domestic and foreign suppliers of medical...
Medical Fair Brno / Rehaprotex

MotorTechna Brno | 29-10-2011

Giełda pojazdów zabytkowych, części zamiennych i dokumentacji, wystawa pojazdów zabytkowych
MotorTechna Brno

GAUDEAMUS | 1.-4.11. 2011

Europejskie Targi Edukacyjne i Kształcenia Ustawicznego


[EN] International Funeral Fair
[EN] VENIA - MEMENTO shall not take place in 2011 The management of BVV Trade Fairs Brno have decided that the funeral...

SPORT Life | 10.-13.11. 2011

Międzynarodowe Targi Sportu
[EN] SPORT Life, the International Sports Fair, ranks among the most significant sport shows in Central Europe. It...

Bike Brno | 10.-13.11. 2011

Międzynarodowe Targi Rowerowe
[EN] Bike Brno, the International Bicycle Exhibition, is the largest and most important show of this type in Central...
Bike Brno

boat Brno | 10.-13.11. 2011

Międzynarodowa Wystawa Łodzi i Sportów Wodnych
[EN] boat Brno is one of the most remarkable specialised exhibitions of this type in Central Europe. Every year it...
boat Brno

Caravaning Brno | 10.-13.11. 2011

Międzynarodowa Wystawa Karawaningu
[EN] Caravaning Brno, the International Caravaning Show, is one of the most significant events of this type in the...
Caravaning Brno

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