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22.-26.4. 2023

International Fair for Animal Production

Выставки Брно События в Брно Выставочный центр No. 1. in Central and Eastern Europe Bыставка-ярмарка

Факты & Цифры:

ANIMAL TECH 2023 will take place with the National Show of Livestock and with National Gamekeeping Show.

This group of trade fairs was set up in cooperation with partners and co-organisers – professional associations, state administration, local government and specialised schools.

The key themes of the exhibition are breeding, genetics, veterinary medicine, technology and agricultural technology for livestock. The fair is primarily aimed at experts - breeders, animal technicians, farmers and vets.

The centenary of the Czech-Moravian Hunting Union will be celebrated in the context of the National Gamekeeping Show in 2023. The celebrations will feature a generous programme, exhibitions with unique exhibits, demonstrations and educational activities.

National championships of beef cattle breeds, the National Championship of Holstein cattle, the National Championships of Jersey and Brown Swiss breeds and the National Championship of Czech Spotted Cattle will take place in 2023. An international convention of Charolais breeders entitled "World Charolais Technical Congress" is also under preparation.

  • Подзаголовок: International Fair for Animal Production
  • Срок проведения: 22.-26.4. 2023
  • Место проведения: Брно
  • Организатор: Выставки Брно
  • Позиция выставки-ярмарки: No. 1. in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Список участников: я-Каталог - Экспоненты & Продукты

Официальный представитель АО "Выставки Брно" в России, Беларуси и странах СНГ

Galina Dobrovolskaja
Glinkova 7, CZ - 623 00 Brno

Тел.: +420 602 506 504
Тeл./факс: +420 543 238 448
E-mail: office@eurogrand.cz , fairsbrno@eurogrand.eu
www: www.eurogrand.cz

Официальный представитель АО "Выставки Брно"  на Украине

Exposervice International
проспект Победы, 40-Б.M. , Украина, 03057, г. Киев
Peremoga av. 40-b, Kiev 03057, Ukraine

Тел./факс: +380 44 494 25 23, 5174222
Е-mail: director@tvm.kiev.ua

Официальный представитель АО "Выставки Брно"  в Литве, Латвии и Эстонии

Agencja Promocji Eksportu
Mr. Jaroslaw Krykwiński, Ms. Sabina Sikorska
Al. NMP 24 lok. 18, 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
Тел.: +48 34 3669888 / 366955
Факс: +48 34 3720553
E-mail: agencja@targi.brno.pl
Www: www.targi.brno.pl

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