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Календарь ярмарок, выставок и мероприятий

Текущие выставки-ярмарки и мероприятия - Февраль 2023

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SALIMA TECHNOLOGY | 7.-9.2. 2023

Fair for food industry and gastronomy
The new concept of food fairs under the SALIMATECH brand brings a perfect overview of Czech and foreign food suppliers,...

EmbaxPrint | 7.-9.2. 2023

Международная выставка упаковки и печати
Bыставка « EmbaxPrint» является самым большим целостным показом...

STYL | 17.-19.2. 2023

60th B2B Fashion Fair STYL
[EN] STYL Fashion Fair is the business and commercial peak of the fashion industry. It is where exhibitors from all...

KABO | 17.-19.2. 2023

60th B2B Footwear and Leatherware Fair KABO
[EN] KABO - Footwear and Leatherware Bussiness Days is the most prestigious professional show of the products of...

Building Fairs Brno | 2.-4.3. 2023

Building Fair Brno
[EN] The Building Fair Brno presents a cross-section view of the entire construction industry. It covers...
Building Fairs Brno

PRODÍTĚ | 2.-5.3. 2023

Выставка товаров для детей
[EN] PRODÍTĚ Fair is the most important contracting and sales presentation of this sector in the Czech Republic....

DSB | 2.-4.3. 2023

Timber Construction Fair Brno
[EN] The DSB -Timber Construction Fair Brno fair features a complete presentation of various types of wooden...

MOBITEX | 2.-4.3. 2023

Furniture and Interior Design Fair
[EN] The MOBITEX Furniture and Interior Design Fair presents the latest trends in interior furnishings and home...

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