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24.-26.5. 2023

Internationale Fachmesse für Abwehr- und Sicherheitstechnik

JISR Institute


JISR Institute focuses on building comprehensive capabilities in the areas of ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance), EW (Electronic Warfare) and asymmetric electronic warfare, incl. anti-drone systems.

JISR Institute





Ray Service, a.s.


The company Ray Service, based in Staré Město, is an international innovative manufacturer of cable harnesses, electromechanical units and electronic devices. It is also a distributor and integrator of cable components and systems. More than 25 years of experience and intensive development have resulted in a strong modern company that is a reliable and sought-after partner in the international context.

Ray Service, a.s.

Prabos plus a.s.


The company Prabos, based at the foothills of the White Carpathians in the town of Slavičín, is the largest Czech manufacturer of outdoor footwear, work and safety footwear, emergency footwear and also footwear for uniformed units. The company's tradition dates back to 1860.

Prabos plus a.s.

ORITEST spol. s r.o.


The company ORITEST was established in 1992. Along with its subsidiary ORIMPEX, it offers products and services mainly in the areas of detection of industrial toxic substances and chemical warfare agents (CWA), decontamination of chemical contaminants, especially CWA, export of all products of the group, including products governed by the Act on Foreign Trade in Military Material, organisation of CBRN trainings tailored to the customer.

ORITEST spol. s r.o.

Sign up by 31 May 2021 and get the best price terms!


The deadline for submitting an application to participate in the IDET International Defence and Security Technologies Fair is coming up soon. Exhibition area at the best price terms can be ordered until 31 May 2021.

Sign up by 31 May 2021 and get the best price terms!

IDET, PYROS & ISET 2021 will present all components of the integrated rescue system


The importance of the defence and security capacities of the state always grows in difficult times. That is why it is of utmost importance to continue modernizing the armed forces and investing in high-quality equipment. A major show of innovations in the defence and security industry in the region of Central Europe is the IDET trade fair held in Brno. The PYROS and ISET trade fairs will take place concurrently. Once again, all components of the integrated rescue system will be presented.

IDET, PYROS & ISET 2021 will present all components of the integrated rescue system

IDET, PYROS, ISET 2021 - change of dates


Due to current changes in the calendar of events planned for the second half of the year, the International Security Fairs IDET/PYROS/ISET are have been moved to a new date on 6–8 October, 2021.

IDET, PYROS, ISET 2021 - change of dates

German Industry Cooperating with Central and Eastern Europe


In recent years a number of countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have launched comprehensive modernisation efforts for their armed forces. Many projects, the goal of which is to enhance the operational and combat capabilities of the forces, enabling them to operate on the modern battlefield, are implemented with significant assistance from the German defence industry. The German Government and numerous defence companies play a role as suppliers of modern weapon systems and as partners for the local industry.

German Industry Cooperating with Central and Eastern Europe
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