Building Fairs Brno
26.-29.4. 2017
Building Fair

Building Fairs Brno, DSB and URBIS 2017 in figures
From 26 to 29 April, the Brno Exhibition Centre Brno hosted the Building Fairs Brno, the MOBITEX International Furniture and Interior Design Fair and the DSB – Wooden House Exhibition Brno. Concurrently, this year also took place the PTÁČEK trade fair of the company PTÁČEK – velkoobchod (wholesale). Inspiration from finished prefabricated wooden houses was found by visitors at the National Building Centre. This year‘s novelty was URBIS, a fair of smart solutions for cities and municipalities.
Statistical data 2017*
Number of firms | 827 from 20 countries worldwide |
Net exhibition space | 19 630 sqm |
Number of visitors | 44 059 from 15 countries worldwide |
* Joint statistical data of Building Fairs Brno, MOBITEX, DSB – Wooden House Exhibition Brno, SC EDEN 3000 and PTÁČEK Fair.
Final report Building fairs Brno, URBIS 2017
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Ing. Pavel Křeček, Chairman of ČKAIT
Despite the still unsatisfactory trend of the Czech building industry, I am glad that Building Fairs Brno were the place where companies presented their novelties, technical and technological improvements. And that fills me with optimism for the years going forward.
Vratislav Blaha, CSc., Chairman of the Association of Suppliers of Prefabricated Houses:
We were pleased by the good cooperation with Trade Fairs Brno. The fair was successful, enough visitors came to it, which was also helped by the good media support of the fair. The objective of the presentation at this fair was to present wooden constructions of our members. This year, we have also prepared consultancy on this sector.
Helena Prokopová, Guild of Upholsterers and Decorators:
This year‘s MOBITEX fair was better than last year‘s, as there were many interesting products. I am delighted that three members of our guild received awards for their products. For the Guild of Upholsterers, the MOBITEX Fair has been a great success as always.
Lucia Haraslínová, Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers:
The Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers (KČN) presented, at a joint display, quality and interesting design of its members‘ products. That is why we must not miss out on Brno. The construction of KČN’s stand and KČN’s activities within the accompanying programme of the MOBITEX trade fair was co-financed from the OPPI-Cooperation-Clusters project.
Zdeněk Sleha, ALUKOV a.s.:
The fair in Brno was successful, because our marketing department supported well this prestigious event. This means that an influx of customers to the display, which was made in the style of a CORSO Premium terrace roofing this year. We gladly came to Moravia in particular because our company is based in Bohemia. Our products need to be seen and touched, and then we set an appointment that leads to implementation. We were successful, our priority is to get as close as possible to our customers. In addition, we also organized a number of targeted meetings. It seems to us that our customers in Moravia are glad to see us being presented right here at the Building Fairs in Brno.
Stanislav Řežný, Atmos:
The attendance at the fair was decent, we focused on end customers. For the company, the building fair was successful, we also handed our information to a number of customers, which are primarily professional heating companies. We provided all information to those interested concerning individual solutions to heating systems for their premises, but also on how to proceed in the case of “boiler subsidies”.
Jan Kratochvíl, DOMY D.N.E.S.:
In the end, we are always happy with the Building Fairs Brno, we are regular exhibitors. The fairs showed that interest in wooden houses is growing. Our company offers series type projects, but of course we will welcome anyone who requires an individual construction.
Vendula Chocholoušová, HK-Dřestav:
We love to come to the Building Fairs Brno, because we always get new customers here, which is economically beneficial for us. It is obvious that people have begun to build again, which is why we had to present ourselves at the Brno fair and we are absolutely satisfied with our participation. Demands for wooden constructions are constantly getting higher, we have gained about fifty contacts a day. The company builds about one hundred family houses a year, our capacities are being fully used nowadays, and unfortunately we will not be able to make any further deliveries until next year.
Oldřich Grepl, MetAx fireplaces:
We are a Czech manufacturer of fireplace inserts, both for hot water and hot air. The visitor attendance at our display can be said to have been positive for the company, which is why we belong to regular exhibitors at the Building Fairs Brno.
Roman Adámek, KRUŽÍK:
Building Fairs Brno serve us for meetings with our business partners and, of course, permanent customers come to see us as well. The purpose of our company‘s participation is also to find out what new trends are in our industry in the world and, of course, to introduce our new products. In this respect, the fair always fulfils its purpose. In addition, our customers have the opportunity to see and touch our products, which always was and will be important.
Radek Dufek, LOMAX:
Our display was practically always full at this fair. We came to Brno to present new products, our brand. This year, we have been providing customer service for exactly a quarter of a century. We also held a number of business meetings in Brno; the fair was successful for us.
Petr Dědek, Thermona spol. s r.o.:
Our company must always be present at the trade fair in Brno, because it is located in this region, our headquarters are nearby. We go to the fair to get orders from end customers, and we are successful in that. We have successfully presented our services in the field of heating systems with all the requisites and especially all the new products. We have several new boilers that have met with great interest of customers. A large number of interested people came from all over the country. It was clearly confirmed that Brno is a natural centre for people who are interested in building activities in a comprehensive way. It is nice that we can also invite business partners to the exhibition centre; the exhibition centre’s background is perfect.
Petra Trefilová, TONDACH Česká republika s.r.o.:
We go to Brno regularly; the company cannot miss out on this trade fair. We are traditional producers of so-called healthy ceramic material and we are here to present it to those interested in roofing. In Brno, we also held a number of business meetings with roofers and business partners. The trade fair also has a social character for the company.
Hrnčířová Zdeňka, VESPER FRAMES s.r.o.:
The attendance was good, and we gained far more contacts each day compared to last year. It can be seen that wooden houses are drawing still more attention, and people are interested in them. People came to us with the completed designs of houses and mostly they already had a plot of land ready for the construction. The trade fair in Brno fulfilled the company‘s expectations. The trade fair in Brno is always a benefit for our company. We always take care of what we will be presenting at the fair a long time in advance, and we are always successful. We are glad that people of all generations come to see us.
Building Fair Brno
For Exhibitors
For Media
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