5.-6.4. 2016
Central European Veterinary Congress

Congress programme
Tuesday, 5. April 2016
Brno Trade Fairs, Congress Centre, Room A
- 08:30
Congress Centre – entrance hall
Chairman: prof. MVDr. Alfred Hera, CSc.
- 09:30
Opening speech
Alfred Hera (CZE)
- 09:40
Antibiotic policy from the perspective of the Ministry of Agriculture Czech Republic
Jiří Šír (CZE)
- 10:00
Antibiotic policy from the perspective of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Slovakia
- 10:20
The State Veterinary Administration of CZ and antimicrobial resistance
Zbyněk Semerád (CZE)
- 10:40
State Veterinary and Food Administration of SK and antimicrobial resistance
Jozef Bíreš (SVK)
- 11:00
Antibiotic policy in the field of human medicine
Helena Žemličková (CZE)
- 11:20
Antibiotic policy from the perspective of the Czech Medical Chamber
Václav Dostál (CZE)
- 11:40
Antibiotic policy from the perspective of the Czech Veterinary Chamber
Karel Daniel (CZE)
- 12:00
Antibiotic policy from the perspective of farmers
Josef Kučera (CZE)
- 12:20
Antibiotic policy in the field of food practice
Miroslav Koberna (CZE)
- 12:40 p.m.
Lunch break
Chairman: MVDr. Jiří Bureš
- 14:00
Antibiotic policy strategies from the IFAH-Europe perspective
Olivier Espeisse (EU)
- 14:50
Antibiotic policy from the perspective of Medicines Agencies in the Czech Republic
Jiří Bureš (CZE)
- 15:05
Information on the trends of antimicrobial consumption in the Czech Republic and the EU - ESVAC data from the programme and a perspective on a data collection system in the Czech Republic and the EU
Lucie Pokludová (CZE)
- 15:20
Information on the trends of antimicrobial consumption in Slovakia
Judita Hederová (SVK)
- 15:35
Monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary practice
Ota Huml (CZE)
- 15:50
Coffee break
Chairman: Ing. Josef Duben
- 16:15
Roundtable – views, opinions, resolutions
IFAH-Europe, MZe, SZÚ, Breeding Societies, PK ČR, SVS ČR, SVPS SR, KVL ČR, KVL SR, ÚSKVBL Brno, ÚSKVBL Nitra etc.
- 17:30
Conclusion, press release
- 18:30
Social evening – the gallery in the exhibition hall A
Wednesday, April 6, 2016, Brno Trade Fairs, Congress Centre, Room A
Chairman: MVDr. Tibor Brauner
- 09:30
Resistance to antibiotics in animal staphylococci
Vladimír Kmeť, Štefan Miholics, Gabriela Gadusová (SVK)
- 09:50
No antibiotics - no treatment in dermatology of companion animals
Marcel Kovalík (SVK)
- 10:10
Principles of rational antimicrobial therapy in cattle farming
Josef Illek (CZK)
- 10:30
Principles of rational antimicrobial therapy in pig farming
Jiří Smola (CZK)
- 10:50
Principles of rational antimicrobial therapy in poultry farming
Tomáš Černý (CZK)
- 11:10
Coffee break
- 11:40
Monitoring of veterinary pathogens resistant to antimicrobials in 2015
Kateřina Nedbalcová (CZK)
- 12:00
Occurrence, properties and zoonotic potential LA-MRSA in food animal farming in the Czech Republic - current situation
Renata Karpíšková, Ivana Koláčková (CZK)
- 12:20
Waste water - an important source of bacteria resistant to antimicrobial agents
Lucia Birošová (SVK)
- 12:40
Programme subject to change!
The working languages will be Czech, Slovak, English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
Organizer of the meeting:
BVV Trade Fair Brno Co.
For information on and registration for the above events please contact: