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Jubilee National Dog Show
3.-4.12. 2022

other Event at Brno Exhibition Centre Exhibition
Jubilee National Dog Show visual

Facts & Figures:

TheJubilee National Dog Show Brno

will take place at the Brno Exhibition Centre on the weekend of

3-4 December 2022.

The company Veletrhy Brno, as organizes simultaneous sales of breeding needs and feed for the whole 2 days.

The sellers will be located in the pavilion in the immediate vicinity of the competition circles. All questions and information about your dogs should be directed to the organizers of the event, the Czech-Moravian Kennel Club.

  • Date: 3.-4.12. 2022
  • Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
  • Organizer: other

Application form for the pet supplies retailer

Application for sellers

Contact for sellers

Irena Klugarová
Výstaviště 1, 603 00 Brno
telefon: +420 541 152 744
e-mail: iklugarova@bvv.cz


Application for dog owners and contacts at ČMKU

Exhibition organizer: CMKU – NATIONAL DOG SHOW

Českomoravská kynologická unie
+420-607 630 483, 602 718 411
email: tricitka@cmkuvystavy.cz




Irena Klugarová
Consultancy for exhibitors
Irena Klugarová
Phone:+420 541 152 744
Mobile:+420 606 763 596
Czech-Moravian Kennel Union
Maškova 3
182 53
Praha 8 - Kobylisy, CZ
Phone:+420 234 221 371
Mobile:+420 725 882 558

Jitka Nedomová
Sales Manager Senior
Jitka Nedomová
Phone:+420 541 152 518
Mobile:+420 724 852 975

List of Products


1 Gear for dog keepers
1.1 Feed and mineral supplements for dogs
1.2 Veterinary preparations for dogs
1.3 Keeper’s gear for dogs
1.4 Cosmetic preparations for dogs
1.5 Cynologic sports and training tools for dogs
1.6 Dog parlours, hotels, boarding houses, pounds, vacation with a dog
1.7 Special training of dogs
1.99 Other gear for dog keepers
10 Literature, magazines and media on animals
10.1 Literature, magazines and media on dogs
10.2 Literature, magazines and media on horses
10.99 Other literature, magazines and media on animals
11 Organizations and institutions
11.1 Import, export of animals
11.2 Breeders’ associations, clubs, breeding stations and facilities
11.3 State organizations and institutions
11.4 Unions, corporations and associations
11.5 Counselling for keepers
11.99 Other organizations and institutions
12 Equipment for keepers’ gear shops and pet shops
13 Giftware, other services and insurance

Detailed product categories to download

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