22.-25.4. 2015
Timber Construction Fair Brno

Expert programme
Expert programme
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21. 4. 2015, TUESDAY
7.00–10.00 p.m.
The OVERTURE to the Brno Building Fairs 2015
Fires and buildings
Venue: Villa Stiassni
Professional sponsor: The Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians (ČKAIT)
Organised by: The Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians (ČKAIT)
Admission: by invitation
22. 4. 2015, WEDNESDAY
10.30 a.m.–2.00 p.m.
Opening conference of the Building fair IBF – Renovation of Historic and Ecclesiastic Buildings 2015
Venue: Hall A, Rotunda
Professional sponsor: The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, The National Heritage Institute, The Czech Bishops' Conference, The Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians (ČKAIT), The Czech Association of Building Engineers
Organised by: Trade Fairs Brno
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–3.30 p.m.
Sustainable Construction 2015
Venue: Hall P, Lounge P1
Professional sponsor: The Czech National Building Centre, The Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development
Organised by: The Czech National Building
Centre, The Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development
Admission: for a fee
1.00–3.00 p.m.
News in the programme New Green to Savings
Venue: Hall P, Lounge P3
Professional sponsor: Ing. Jakub Hrbek, State Environmental Fund of the Czech
Republic, managing head of the department of the National Programmes
Organised by: State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic
Admission: free following registration
10.00–11.50 a.m.
Modern upholstery fabrics – various types and a selection by product and use
Venue: Hall F, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: The Guild of Upholsterers and Decorators
Organised by: The Guild of Upholsterers and Decorators
Admission: free
10.30 a.m.–12.00 noon
Product of the Year
Venue: Hall P, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: RNDr. Jiří Hejhálek
Organised by: VEGA spol. s r.o., Hradec Králové, The Institute of Sustainable Construction, Brno
Admission: free
12.00 noon–1.00 p.m.
Enterprise and export support for Czech furniture-makers Man and Wood
Venue: Hall F, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: The Cluster of Czech Cabinet Makers
Organised by: The Cluster of Czech Cabinet Makers
Admission: free
1.00–2.00 p.m.
A presentation of student works in the Grand Prix Mobitex competition
Venue: Hall F, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: PhDr. Dagmar Koudelková
Organised by: Trade Fairs Brno
Admission: free
2.30–3.30 p.m.
Design – a game or an instrument for competitiveness
Venue: Hall F, Lecture stage
Professional sponsor: PhDr. Dagmar Koudelková
Organised by: PhDr. Dagmar Koudelková
Admission: free
4.30–5.30 p.m.
Presentation of Grand Prix Mobitex awards
Venue: Hall F, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: PhDr. Dagmar Koudelková
Organised by: Trade Fairs Brno
Admission: free
4.30–5.30 p.m.
Opening of the exhibition Between tradition and innovation: Czech furniture 2005–2015
Venue: Hall F
Professional sponsor: PhDr. Dagmar Koudelková
Organised by: Trade Fairs Brno
Admission: free
9.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.
The final of the Czech international competition “Apprentice Plumber 2015”
Venue: Hall P
Professional sponsor: Ing. Andrzej Bartoś
Organised by: The Guild of Heating Engineers and Plumbers of the Czech Republic, Brno Secondary Polytechnic
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.
The Czech International Championship for Young Plumbers, Roofers, Carpenters, Gas Fitters and Chimneysweeps
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.
A demonstration of the planned Czech Bricklayers Championship competition
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
23. 4. 2015, THURSDAY
8.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.
Venue: Hotel Voroněž, Congress Hall, Lounge D
Professional sponsor: doc. Ing. Tomáš Rotter, CSc.
Organised by: Sekurkon s.r.o.
Admission: for a fee
9.30 a.m.–1.30 p.m.
Energy for the Future XV – Progressive solutions in the energy efficiency of buildings and service plants
Venue: Congress Centre, Lounge C
Professional sponsor: prof. Ing. Jiří Tůma, DrSc., The Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University
Organised by: FCC Public s. r. o.
Admission: free
9.30 a.m.–4.00 p.m.
Geodesy in construction and industry
Venue: Congress Centre, Lounge B
Professional sponsor: Ing. Jiří Bureš, Ph.D., Brno University of Technology
Organised by: The Czech Association of Surveyors and Cartographers
Admission: for a fee
10.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m.
Innovation and technology in regional development
Venue: Administration Building, Lounge 103
Professional sponsor: The Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic, The Czech Association of Development Agencies
Organised by: The Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–1.30 p.m.
Meeting of the Presidium of the Czech Association of Building Engineers
Venue: Hall P, Lounge P3
Professional sponsor: Ing. Svatopluk Zídek Past President of the Czech Association of Building Engineers
Organised by: The Czech Association of Building Engineers
Admission: by invitation
10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.
Forms of contemporary modular architecture
Venue: Congress Centre, Lounge A
Professional sponsor: The Faculty of Civil Engineering at Brno University of Technology
Organised by: arch for people, o.s.
Admission: free following registration
1.00–5.00 p.m.
The ceremonial announcement of the results of the competition “Building of the South Moravian Region 2014”
Venue: Hall A, Morava Lounge
Professional sponsor: Ing. Zdeněk Kotol, The Association of Building Entrepreneurs of the South Moravian Region
Organised by: The Association of Building Entrepreneurs of the South Moravian Region with the support of the South Moravian Region
Admission: by invitation
2.00–4.00 p.m.
Meeting of members and partners of the Association of Suppliers of Prefabricated Houses
Venue: Hall P, Lounge P3
Professional sponsor: Ing. Vratislav Blaha, CSc.
Organised by: Ing. Lenka Trandová
Admission: by invitation
10.00–11.00 a.m.
Phenomenon Bentwood Furniture
Venue: Hall F, Lecture stage
Professional sponsor: Ing. arch. Jaromíra Šimoníková
Organised by: Ing. arch. Jaromíra Šimoníková
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–12.00 noon
Technology from Brno University of Technology – Smart wall, Multifunctional filtration unit, Nano-potentiostat
Venue: Hall P, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: Brno University of Technology
Organised by: The Technology Transfer Office
Admission: free
2.00–4.00 p.m.
Healthy seating – ergonomics and quality
Venue: Hall F, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: The Guild of Upholsterers and Decorators
Organised by: The Guild of Upholsterers and Decorators
Admission: free
9.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.
The final of the Czech International Competition “Apprentice Plumber 2015”
Venue: Hall P
Professional sponsor: Ing. Andrzej Bartoś
Organised by: The Guild of Heating Engineers and Plumbers of the Czech Republic, Brno Secondary Polytechnic, Jílová 36g
Admission: free
9.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m.
The Czech International Championship for Young Plumbers, Roofers, Carpenters, Gas Fitters and Chimneysweeps
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.
A demonstration of the planned Czech Bricklayers Championship competition
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
24. 4. 2015, FRIDAY
8.00 a.m.–2.00 p.m.
Venue: Hotel Voroněž, Congress Hall, Lounge D
Professional sponsor: doc. Ing. Tomáš Rotter, CSc.
Organised by: Sekurkon s.r.o.
Admission: for a fee
9.00–11.00 a.m.
Gathering of principals and specialist teachers at schools teaching the subjects technical fittings in buildings, plumbing and electrics fitting and plumbing
Venue: Congress Centre, Lounge B
Professional sponsor: Ing. Andrzej Bartoś
Organised by: The Guild of Heating Engineers and Plumbers of the Czech Republic, Brno Secondary Polytechnic
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m.
FSC certification of the manufacturing chain
Venue: Hall P, Lounge P3
Professional sponsor: Ing. Petr Košťál
Organised by: FSC CR
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m.
BIM Workshop IBF 2015
Venue: Congress Centre, Lounge C
Professional sponsor: Ing. arch. Petr Vaněk
Organised by: Czech BIM Council
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–2.00 p.m.
Intelligent buildings and towns
Venue: Hall P, Lounge P4, sections c+d
Professional sponsor: Ing. Peter J. Kalaš, Vice-president of the Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development
Organised by: Sdělovací technika spol. s r.o.
Admission: free
10.30 a.m.–3.30 p.m.
Roof Forum – the design and construction of roofs, mistakes and problems in the design and construction of flat and pitched roofs
Venue: Hall P, Lounge P1
Organised by: Střecha roku, o.s.
Admission: free
11.30 a.m.–1.00 p.m.
The ceremonial judging of the final of the Czech international competition “Apprentice Plumber 2015”
Venue: Hall A, Rotunda
Professional sponsor: Ing. Andrzej Bartoś
Organised by: The Guild of Heating Engineers and Plumbers of the Czech Republic, Brno Secondary Polytechnic
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–2.00 p.m.
The amendment to the law on energy management
Venue: Hall P, lecture stage
Professional sponsor: The Guild of Heating Engineers and Plumbers of the Czech Republic
Organised by: The Guild of Heating Engineers and Plumbers of the Czech Republic
Admission: free
9.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m.
The final of the Czech skills and knowledge competition for school students in the field Electrical Mechanic – specialising in refrigeration and air-conditioning
Venue: Hall P
Professional sponsor: Mgr. Štěpán Stojanov
Organised by: Brno Secondary Polytechnic
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.
A demonstration of the planned Czech Bricklayers Championship competition
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.
Demonstration of building trades by the students of the Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno (carvers, carpenters, bricklayers, roofers, chimneysweeps…)
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
25. 4. 2015, SATURDAY
10.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.
A demonstration of the planned Czech Bricklayers Championship competition
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
10.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.
Demonstration of building trades by the students of the Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno (carvers, carpenters, bricklayers, roofers, chimneysweeps…)
Venue: Open area G
Professional sponsor: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Organised by: The Secondary College of Building Trades, Bosonohy–Brno
Admission: free
Situation as of 31. 3. 2015
We reserve the right to make changes to the programme
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