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8.-10.10. 2013

International Transport Fair
All transport modes

BVV Trade Fairs Brno Event at Brno Exhibition Centre Trade Fair

Facts & Figures:

New international transport fair focusing on key topics: road and railway transport, logistics.

In October 2013, the Brno exhibition centre will host the première transport fair EUROTRANS.
The foundations stones of this new event are the existing Autotec and Transport a Logistika fairs. They will be expanded by the topic of railway transport titled RAIL-TEC, which has been a part of the Engineering Fair to date. The fair will last three days (Tuesday– Thursday) alongside the International Engineering Fair MSV.

The key topic of the EUROTRANS fair is „mobility“ – transport of passengers and goods and its alternatives in the future“. The fair is primarily intended for professionals and will take place once in two years in odd years.

The fair is designed as a Czech-Slovak fair and the traditional Slovak fair ŽEL-RAIL has thus become a part of the EUROTRANS fair.

The professional sponsors of the fair are the Ministry of Transport of the CR, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the CR, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic and the Confederation of Industry of the CR. The EUROTRANS project partners are leading professional associations representing industries presented at the fair. The fair date is harmonised with other important fairs in this sector held around Europe.

The intended transport fair has also been welcomed by the co-organisers of the Autotec fair– Association of Car Manufacturing Industry (AutoSAP) and co-operating associations – Car Importers Association (SDA) and Association of Car Parts Importers and Manufactures and Service Technicians (SISA).  In the mission statement, a total of 11 professional associations engaged in the car manufacturing industry and transport recommended its members to participate at the EUROTRANS fair.

  • Full name: International Transport Fair
    All transport modes
  • Date: 8.-10.10. 2013
  • Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
  • Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno

Final Report EUROTRANS 2013

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