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14.-17.1. 2016

International Travel Fair

14.-17.1. 2016

International Fair for Regional Tourism

GO and REGIONTOUR 2016 in figures


  • 844 exhibiting companies from 24 countries at 25,000 square metres of exhibition space
  • exhibitions were viewed by 30,422 visitors
  • foreign visitors came from 18 countries, mainly from neighbouring Slovakia, Poland and Hungary
  • 267 media representatives accredited in the Press Centre

Final report to download:



Milan Štěch, President of the Senate of the Czech Republic:
I would like to thank everyone who works in the field of tourism andprepares conditions for foreign and domestic visitors. When we travelabroad, visitors of the Czech Republic from distant lands give us thebest references not only to the beauty of our country, but also to theway we take care of our guests. To introduce, besides Prague, thebeauty of our regions is a very praiseworthy thing and the thanks forit go to the Exhibition Centre, to Brno, to regions, and to everyone whoparticipates in the preparation of the trade fairs.

Klára Dostálová, Deputy of the Minister for Regional Development:
These trade fairs are very significant; the Ministry of Regional Developmentdeems the connection of regional politics and tourism veryimportant. It is an economic branch which we would like to develop inthe context of world events as well. The Czech Republic is the tenthsafest destination in the world and our promotional strategy should betargeted at this fact. I expect that interest in our regions will continueto grow, both for domestic and foreign visitors.

 Petr Vokřál, Mayor of the city of Brno:
Tourism attractiveness of the Czech Republic is growing, which is notonly because of the country’s unquestionable beauty, but also becauseof the increasing importance of safety in tourism. The exhibition oftourist offers in regions is an opportunity to interconnect the interestsof everyone who would like to visit our country and spend their holidayshere.

Cardinal Dominik Duka, Archbishop of Prague and Primate of Bohemia:
As church exhibitors we are not at REGIONTOUR for the first time and Ithink that the exposition is getting more and more professional. I havepersonally visited this trade fair several times and I am glad that I havehad an opportunity to participate in the presence of the church here.And every time I leave the trade fair, I leave it satisfied.Zuzana Vojtová, Director of Tourist Authority South Moravia:For me, REGIONTOUR is mostly a place to meet partners from the field oftourism, be it travel agencies, colleagues from cities or tourist informationcentres, or mayors of cities and towns and other people who have an opportunityto influence the development of tourism in the region.

Alena Koukalová, Marketing Manager of Switzerland Tourism:
We have returned to the Brno trade fair after six years and we are pleasantlysurprised by the attendance as well as the way everything is managed. Thisis the only big tourism gathering in Moravia, so this is another reason whywe participate in the event. So far I can say that people who have a realinterest in traveling attend this trade fair and they come to us with very specificquestions.

András Szirányi, Director at Hungarian National Tourism office:
This year we exhibit in Brno in a greater extent than last year. We havetwelve companies at our stand who present mainly Hungarian spas; the cityof Debrecen has its own stand and as usual we offer a tasting of Hungarianspecialities. So far we can see that people are interested in our stand so weare satisfied. The trade fair is very well organised and meets the expectationsthat Hungarian service providers anticipate from us.

Kateřina Petříčková, CEO of the Association of Tour Operators andTravel Agents of the Czech Republic:
I can speak for the Association when I say that we are very happy withour participation. Three dozen member agencies put their cataloguesto our stand and twenty-four more exhibit here at the trade fair. Whenit comes to the attendance of visitors, Saturday is absolutely wonderful.Our supporting programme has been fully occupied; we have lecturesabout various destinations here and we can see that people aregreatly interested in them.

Petr Zemek, director of the 101 CK ZEMEK travel agency:
We always comment on our participation in a positive way. You cansee that our stand is pulsating with energy the entire time. And the GOtrade fair is not only about the number of vendors who attend it or thenumber of clients who visit us; it is also about mutual communicationof travel bureaus and agencies. Where else can we meet each otherfour days in a row than at this trade fair?

Marek Malý, director of the QUALITY TRAVEL agency:
The trade fair always brings us new commission dealers, new contacts,and clients. Today on Saturday I was surprised, I didn’t expectso many people. So I can say that the trade fair helps us a lot and Iam glad that GO exists. It is the only trade fair in the Czech Republicin which we participate and we are among the first ones to sign up fornext year’s participation. Because we are a Brno travel agency is anotherreason why I think it is worth being here.

Yuri Klyuchivsky, member of the realization team, the nationalstand of Ukraine:
This is the first time that Ukraine participates in the trade fair with itsown national stand. A number of meetings and presentations abouttourism possibilities of Ukraine have taken place; the director of thetourism department of the Zakarpattia Region had a meeting with thegovernor of the Oblast’s partner region Vysočina about some specificways of cooperation. During the four days of the trade fair we registeredover a thousand visitors form the Czech Republic and abroad.The trade fair is the right place for us; next year we would like tobroaden the scope of our activities and invite more exhibitors fromUkraine to the trade fair.

Jiřina Bradáčová, Business Manager, Delfin travel:
The Brno GO and REGIONTOUR trade fairs are our favourite. A lot ofelderly clients, who travel with us to various destinations from Praguevia plane, attend this trade fair. This year we have registered the biggestinterest in four destinations: Albania, Spain, Sardinia, and Sicily.We like the atmosphere here; the people are very nice and agreeable.We will definitely come back and exhibit at this trade fair next year.

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