15.-18.1. 2015
International Travel Fair

15.-18.1. 2015
International Fair for Regional Tourism

GO and REGIONTOUR 2015 in figures
- 1021 exhibiting companies from 21 countries at 25,000 square metres of exhibition space
- exhibitions were viewed by 31,721 visitors
- foreign visitors came from 12 countries, mainly from neighbouring Slovakia, Poland and Hungary
- 311 media representatives accredited in the Press Centre
Final report to download:
Final Report GO-REGIONTOUR 2015
pdf 2,57 MB
What they said about the trade fairs
Šlechtová, Minister of Regional Development of the Czech Republic, opening
Tourism is one of the agendas that can
increase our GDP and help the Czech economics. That’s why I’m very happy about
this trade fair, where I can get all the information about our regions, but
also about friendly regions abroad. I was very happy to participate in the
opening of the REGIONTOUR trade fair and I consider it a big honour.
Štěch, President of the Senate of the Czech Republic:
The Czech Republic is not only one of the
most industrial countries of Europe, but also has a big potential in the area
of services. I am glad that our tourism offer is always expanding, and I would
like to thank our regions and travel agencies for that, as well as for this
trade fair. I wish us all to be able to return here and say that this offer is
really widely used by our citizens.
Božek, Deputy of the Governor of the South Moravian region:
The GO and REGIONTOUR trade fairs are the
biggest event of their kind in the Czech Republic, not only thanks to their
contents and number of exhibitors, but in my opinion also thanks to their
location in the Brno Exhibition Grounds. The South Moravian region, which has
for a long time been the second most visited region after Prague, is the trade
fairs’ regular participant. Every year we present new projects here; this time
it is for example the reconstructed riding school of the Lednice chateau or the
museum exposition in the Löw-Beer villa.
Mráz, Director of the Department of Strategy and Marketing Communication of the
CzechTourism agency:
The Brno trade fair is the flagship of our
presence in Moravia and it is the first trade fair which traditionally opens
the tourist season in the Czech Republic. For us it is also an exceptional
opportunity to meet our partners and to cohesively present our marketing
concept. This year, in its Moravian premiere and world pre-premiere, we
introduce our new CzechTourism trade fair stand, which is designed to
communicate the image of the Czech Republic as a romantic destination in a much
stronger fashion.
Petö, Ambassador of Hungary:
Hungary exhibits at this trade fair every
year and it is a special opportunity for us to be a partner country this year.
We would like to leave a visible trace here. In the past year Czech tourists
spent 620 000 nights in Hungary, which made the Czech Republic rank fifth
in terms of the number of tourists coming to Hungary. Hungarians themselves
look forward to Czech tourists and they await them in Hungarian spas, in
Budapest, at Balaton, and at Hungarian cuisine and wine.
Papp, Mayor of the city of Debrecen:
It is a great honour for us that we can be
a partner country of this year’s trade fair and that Hungary and Debrecen can
present themselves on a bigger space. By our presence here we would like to
strengthen the emotional connection that Czech tourists have towards Hungary
and Debrecen. Come see our stand, where we present Debrecen’s culinary
specialties and the region of Northeast Hungary.
Kubec, President of the Association of Chefs and Confectioners of the Czech
Republic and the continental Director of the WACS for Central Europe:
I’m glad that the competition Gastro Junior
Brno – Bidvest Cup has become an integral part of the GO and REGIONTOUR trade
fairs, because the focus on tourism and propagation of the Czech Republic
abroad is closely related to gastronomy. We are at centre stage in the pavilion
P, a great number of visitors pass by the competition, be it professionals or
amateurs, who watch the contestants and see in what way the competition is
going. In the future we will try to incorporate local food in the competition,
so that we can really propagate domestic product and do what we can to make the
gastronomy of the Czech Republic known to the world.
Veber, Deputy of the Association of Czech Travel Agents:
I have no doubts about the purpose of the
trade fair. Many travel agencies are here every year and come back, because GO
brings them the expected effect. A lot of people come here, and a great
benefit, which cannot be found at other trade fairs, is the possibility of
interconnecting the offer with a presentation on the stage. We have been
organizing the supporting programme here for six years, this year it really has
a lot of visitors, and I know about people who come deliberately for the lectures.
At the same time I am glad that presentations of student projects of the
competition PROFI GO – Tourist Product, the level of which is constantly
rising, have been taking place at our stage for three years in a row. The
contestants are really exceptional and innovative, they will know how to sell
regional tourism, and even today employers are interested in them.
Horký, Project Manager of the company GLS – General Logistics Systems Czech
Republic Ltd.:
We are attempting a record in the number of
sent packages from one trade fair and the interest of visitors in this free
service has been a pleasant surprise. We are very happy with the event. It is
the result of our collaboration with the “Dobrý den” agency and the company
Trade Fairs Brno, so I would like to thank both of them. This way the brand GLS
gets into the awareness of end customers as well as regional companies, and we
are especially glad that the trade fair’s visitors are happy with this service.
Kljunič Brieštanská, Head of Marketing of the Lázně Hodonín spa:
We participate in the REGIONTOUR trade fair
regularly; it is our little “Mecca”, because clients from South Moravia are
vital for Lázně Hodonín and Lázně Lednice. We meet our clients every year on
the exhibition grounds and we even deal with specific reservations, but of
course we also establish new contacts, we raise the awareness of our offer. We
are satisfied here. This year we also present spa treatments, not only at our
stand but also at the South Moravian region exposition.
Klimek, Head of outgoing tourism in the company KOMPAS PRAHA:
We have been exhibiting at the GO trade
fair for fifteen years and we are satisfied here. This is how we get to the
Moravian region, which is important for us. We meet our commission dealers from
Moravia here, and we also meet our end clients, to whom we can introduce our
specific offers. Attendance is very decent this year and we have given out a
lot of catalogues. It’s definitely good that it is only Thursday that remained
an expert day and that three days are left for the public.
Kutáč, Product Manager of the CHERRY Tour travel agency:
We come to GO regularly, it is the most
important trade fair for us, and it’s also very well prepared. Attendance is
plentiful; we have trade fair discounts here and thus our participation has a
business effect for us as well. Every year we try to liven our exhibition up in
some way and this year we have with us a model of our mobile home with a
sunroof, which the visitors like a lot.
Masopust, Operations Manager of the travel agency VTT – Venus Trade and Tours:
Our travel agency has never missed a GO
trade fair so far. We have a branch in Brno, which we support in this way, but
we also address clients from the whole of Moravia and other regions. We like
the interconnection with the supporting programme on the stage, where we can
make our offer more visible.
Kostka, General Manager, Kovotour Plus travel agency:
We very much like to exhibit at the GO
trade fair because the attendance of visitors, mainly direct clients, is
enormous at our stand. Our clients come back, buy a vacation, we always have a
full stand, and for us that is a proof that our travel agency is sought after
and that we’re doing a god job. We will participate next year as well.
Krč, Commercial and Production Director, ATIS travel agency:
We have been exhibiting at the travel trade
fairs since their first time in 1991, so I remember the beginnings, and we
still hold our position as active exhibitors. For us, the participation at the
trade fair is a social matter; it is also a contact place to which authorised
salesmen come for catalogues, to which our clients from Brno and its
surroundings come to us to say hello, which is very pleasant, and to which we
invite our business partners, i.e. accommodation givers, hotel keepers,
boarding house owners and so on.
Laudátová, PR Manager, VIDA! Science Centre:
We are very satisfied with how the
REGIONTOUR and GO trade fairs are going. We presented ourselves at the stand of
the city of Brno and at the stand of the South Moravian region. At both stands
we organized competitions and small science shows and then a big science show
on the big stage on Sunday. Tens to hundreds of interested people participated
in the competitions, so we gave away a lot of puzzles and our promotional
Laštůvková-Zemková, owner of 101 CK ZEMEK travel agency:
Our travel agency specializes in Croatia.
We like to participate in the GO trade fair and this year is our twentieth
year. We consider this trade fair important, firstly because it is always the
first international travel trade fair in the coming year, and secondly because
it makes us more visible, so not only our partners but also the customers make
sure that we are a serious and stable travel agency, which has been on the
market for 24 years.
Concurrently with
Caravaning Brno
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