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19.-22.1. 2017

International Travel Fair

19.-22.1. 2017

International Fair for Regional Tourism

GO and REGIONTOUR 2017 in figures


  •  The participation of 812 exhibiting companies from 26 countries on 25,500 m2 of exhibition area
  • The exhibition stands were viewed by 30,535 visitors
  • Foreign visitors came from 18 countries, with the largest numbers coming from Slovakia, Austria, Poland and Hungary
  • 269 media representatives were accredited at the Press Centre

Final report to download:


Karla Šlechtová, Minister for Local Development:
The ministry gives this fair great support. It is held under the auspices of the ministry every year and our agency CzechTourism mounts its own presentation here. I think it is absolutely impossible to miss our stand and I have to give great credit for this to the people concerned. Tourism is an integral part of regional development for us. We need the regions to promote themselves, and
I want to attract foreign visitors and, it goes without saying, Czech visitors to take advantage of our wonderful products.

Jiří Zimola, 1st Deputy President of the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic and President of the South Bohemian Region:
We can experience the very best from the Czech regions at this trade fair. I hope the event meets the expectations of all its exhibitors and that their exhibition stands are surrounded by crowds of visitors looking for the very best experiences. And I hope that all us tourists find what we are looking for every year at the GO and REGIONTOUR trade fairs.

Tereza Picková, Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies of the Czech Republic:
The GO trade fair is important to the Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies as we meet up here with our member companies and also offer tour operators and travel agencies that are not exhibiting the chance of presentation with our help. We also have our own accompanying programme on the stage that is prepared to a high standard. I have noticed that the public responded
to our lectures really positively and that the people interested then moved at once to the stands of those giving these lectures. This is certainly an interesting opportunity for us to help our members with their presentation.

Monika Palatková, Director General of the Agency CzechTourism:
I am delighted that we can find a large number of regions and a large number of partners here who have come to present their range of products and services in Brno. I am confident that both this year and in the years to come these presentations will be reflected in positive numbers of the kind we recorded in 2016. I would also like to take advantage of this opportunity to thank our business partners from the private sector and local and state government. Without them, we would be unable to present the Czech Republic and its individual regions to full effect.

František Lukl, President of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic:
Every place, every town, every region is unique and amazing in its way. My wish for you is that you can show these jewels of the places where you were born, where you live and which are close to your heart to the widest possible range of people. I am sure that this fair will be an opportunity to share inspiration for continued business in tourism.

Miroslav Kubec, President of the Association of Chefs and Confectioners of the Czech Republic and Continental Director of the
World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) for Central Europe:
This year’s Gastro Junior Brno competition – The Bidvest Cup has given me great pleasure and I have enormous admiration of all the people who spent three days here in Brno with us and undoubtedly a great deal of time preparing for the event beforehand. It is lovely to see that there are still plenty of people in the trade who are prepared to do more than they absolutely have to. Only in this way can we move gastronomy in this country onwards and upwards.

Michal Veber, Commercial Director of the Association of Travel Agencies of the Czech Republic:
This year’s fair was excellent from our point of view and we are, as always, satisfied. We took part in the judging of the competition PROFI GO – Tourist Product. The standard of the competition is getter better and better, and next year we would like to focus the presentation on the stage even more on business and sales to customers. Our accompanying programme on the stage was extremely successful. Visitors most appreciated the fact that it was not a presentation by a single travel agency, but always a presentation of a particular destination featuring the participation of a number of travel agencies. This gave people the chance of taking of virtual look at a given country and then choosing the most suitable holiday.

Klára Badinková, Representative of Slovak Tourism in the Czech Republic:
I am delighted that after a gap of three years Slovakia has a national stand at the REGIONTOUR trade fair. Slovakia has, of course, been represented at the fair in these years, presentations have been mounted by our regions, but now we want to present Slovakia again as a country as this fair is held in Moravia, and Moravians love coming to Slovakia and keep coming back. We are also seeing
great demand here for up-to-date information. What’s more, the statistics make extremely pleasant viewing and motivate us to continue our active operations and provide information to potential tourists from all over the Czech Republic.

Alena Koukalová, Czech Representative of Switzerland Tourism:
This is our second time in a row at the fair. Before that, we had not attended for five years before we decided to return to the event. For me, GO and REGIONTOUR have always been the first big event of the season where everyone who means something in the business meets up. We meet up here with travel agencies to agree plans for the future and to reinforce co-operation. I also meet up here with journalists and find out the latest trends from other tourist authorities. This is an important meeting place for me.

Jiřina Bradáčová, Business Manager, Delfin Travel:
We are happy to have taken part in this fair and meet up with our business partners. We will be coming again next year. It was a successful fair for us in terms of the visiting attendance, particularly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday when the number of catalogues handed out was comparable with last year. As far as the service goes, everything worked well and the Moravian mentality of the clients at the event is always pleasant and positive.

Filip Žitník, Executive Director at the travel agency GO2:
This is the first time we have exhibited in Brno. I have to say that we are pleasantly surprised. The people coming to our stand have a real interest and specific and relevant questions to ask. I am confident this will be reflected in the number of people travelling.

Jana Heřmanová, the Ivančicko micro-region:
The Ivančicko micro-region ceremoniously released a new tourist guide at the fair that presents the very best that nine villages and three towns to the southwest of Brno have to offer. We see REGIONTOUR in Brno as a platform where representatives of the South Moravian Region, towns and villages, various businessmen and other interesting people meet up at a single time and place and have the opportunity of having an informal chat, tasting culinary specialities, making new contacts and finding inspiration.

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