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18.-21.1. 2018

International Travel Fair

18.-21.1. 2018

International Fair for Regional Tourism

GO and REGIONTOUR 2018 in figures


Tourism trade fairs 803 exhibiting companies from 25 countries participated in GO & Regiontour 2018. Every Czech region and seven out of eight Slovak regions were represented.

The trade fairs were viewed by 31,314 visitors.

Foreign visitors came from 11 countries, primarily from Slovakia, Austria, Poland and Hungary.

256 journalists were accredited at the press centre, among whom were 22 foreign journalists from Hungary, Poland, Austria and Slovakia.

Final report to download:


Klára Dostálová, Minister for Regional Development
I’ve been tremendously impressed by the fairs during my visit. This isn’t my first time here; in fact, I see it as a natural place to meet up, where a lot of things can be sorted out. I certainly think the event benefits tourism, and I’m fully in favour of the new concept for the GO and Regiontour trade fairs.

Jiří Kuliš, CEO of BVV Trade Fairs Brno
Tourism represents a very important sector of the economy. It’s a real industry. BVV is recognized as an organizer of trade fairs for different branches of industry, and therefore we’re happy that the GO and Regiontour international trade fairs contribute towards the development of the tourism industry.

Monika Palatková, General Director of CzechTourism
CzechTourism is a longstanding participant of this event; even so, this year stands out – not only because of the new concept of the fair as awhole, but also because the main marketing theme has been the 100- year anniversary of Czechoslovakia. Last year tourism in the Czech Republic grew in every parameter, with the standout development being that Prague has seen a slight drop in visitors compared to other regions. In the first three quarters we recorded a high growth of foreign clients in the regions of nearly 16 percent, whereas Prague could only muster less than 7 percent.

František Lukl, Chairman, Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
I’m happy that the tourism fairs in Brno have continued their high standards. Comparing them with similar trade fairs elsewhere in the EU, I’d say that there is a spirit of friendship and an upbeat mood here. For us mayors, these fairs are essential for two reasons. First, we can show off the beauty of our villages, towns, regions and associations of municipalities. Second, we can establish friendships with other regions and get inspired by how they promote tourism in their region. The new concept for these trade fairs is certainly a step forward: it’s a convenient solution and talks about possible co-operation are now happening much more intensively.

Michal Veber, Executive Director, Association of Czech Travel Agents
The new concept is a good move. We had empty chairs for the accompanying programme last year, but this year there are not enough to go round – the numbers are up. Many travel agents weren’t sure what combining the two fairs would mean, so they’ve hung back and come only as visitors. Next time they want to exhibit.

Tereza Picková, Executive Director, Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agents of the Czech Republic
We welcome the merging of GO and Regiontour and appreciate how the accompanying programme has been harmoniously combined - the podiums haven’t disturbed one another. From our perspective, visitor levels have been satisfactory. The new trade fairs concept is a step in the right direction and we’re looking forward to next year.

Jan Hodovský, Director of the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic
At this year’s GO & Regiontour at the Brno Exhibition Centre, the Association renewed its tradition and co-operation in using regionally focused trade fairs to present interesting places, regional culture, gastronomy and various associations to the general public. The reason is that support for and the development of tourism significantly contributes to improving the socio-economic situation in the individual regions of our country. It’s also a good place for a professional discussion between all partners working at the national and regional level. The new model for the fair is positive, and a good basis for going forward.

Klára Badinková, Foreign representative of Slovak Tourism
I’m pleased that the fair is alive and well – incorporating craftsmen and women, food, and everything related to tourism. This year Slovakia is upping the scale of its presentation. Our regions and entrepreneurs know that Moravian customers are very important. They also recognize efforts made by the fair organizers to help us fulfil our objectives.

Petr Vokřál, City of Brno Mayor
The tourism fairs have become a fixed part of the calendar, but this year they’ve changed things round a little. The exhibition centre is commemorating its 90th year, while at the same time we’re also celebrating the birth of the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia. At the Brno stand we’re offering a taste of history, and also two festivals that will soon be upon us – the Olympic Games and Re:publika.

Petra Rusňáková, City of Brno Councillor
This year’s GO and Regiontour international trade fairs have been a great a success, with the new concept especially praiseworthy. The Brno stand, which has a distinctly First Republic feel, has been drawing crowds to its coffee shop and photo booth. This year’s success is also confirmed by visitor numbers, both in terms of the wide range of industry experts and the general public.

Jana Vildumetzová, Chairwoman of the Council of the Association of Regions of the CR and Governor of the Karlovy Vary Region
Tourism is a key sector in our region’s development. We want our regions to be more accessible, for our roads to be faster and safer. All our regions have something to offer, and I’d love to see tourist numbers – domestic and foreign – continue to rise steeply. I’m confident that more than 30,000 people have visited these tourism fairs.

Bohumil Šimek, Governor of the South Moravian Region
It’s brilliant. After recent years, when the fairs have languished somewhat, this year’s been a big restart. I’m sure this is going to give other regions and towns a kick up the proverbial – to come and join in next time. I think that Regiontour has a great deal to offer the Czech Republic.

Milan Štěch, President of the Senate of the Parliament of the CR
These trade fairs are a good illustration of the progress we’ve achieved in the tourism sector. If you compare today’s exhibits with those of 10 or 20 years ago, the progress is plain. You really should be proud of the work you’ve done here.

Viliam Sivek, Chairman of the Tourism Forum
Small and medium-sized businesses create 99% of the tourism revenue that flows into public coffers. In their name I’d like to thank BVV Trade Fairs Brno for the fact that, for the first time in the history of these fairs, they’ve made it possible for small and medium-sized businesses to exhibit alongside the regions.

Jiří Čunek, Governor of the Zlín Region
I’m a big fan of the Go and Regiontour tourism trade fairs. The new arrangements are better, people have a better idea of what’s available and how to get around, and the promotional sense of individual regions is sharper. A thumbs up from me!

Ivo Vondrák, Governor of the Moravian- Silesian Region
I’m very pleased to be here on the first day of the international trade fairs. Naturally, I meet up regularly with my fellow governors, but the trade fair offers us not only a more informal atmosphere, but also the opportunity to visit the stands of the regions, micro-regions and towns, and find out about what these places are offering. The Moravian- Silesian Region supports high-quality regional foods, so I made sure I sampled the delicacies made by the winners of the Regional Food competition. Besides which, I’m extremely happy to have spoken with the Minister for Regional Development Klára Dostálova and arranged her visit to the Moravian-Silesian Region.

Jiří Štěpán, Governor of the Hradec Králové Region
I’ve been surprised by the inventiveness and creativity of individual exhibitors. The trade fair has been well-organized and I’m sure visitors have gained a lot from the experience.

Ivana Stráská, Governor of the South Bohemian Region
I’ve been a regular visitor to Regiontour for years, and I’ve witnessed its progress – after a period in the doldrums, the fair has once again got a fresh wind in its sails. I think the new trade fair concept must take some credit for this renewed vigour. Tourism is a real industry, so marketing and development strategies are vital, which is where this trade fair comes in. The South Bohemian Region is a regular participant, and is used to staging interesting exhibitions with original ideas. My only wish is for even more members of the public to visit.

Jaroslava Pokorná Jermanová, Governor of the Central Bohemia Region
Marketing in tourism is developing extremely fast, so I’m happy to see that our domestic trade fairs are adapting themselves to the very latest trends with their own ideas. As a result, visitors can sample the atmosphere of individual regions in the same way as they’ve done at this year’s Regiontour in Brno.

Roman Škrabánek, President of the Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agents of the Czech Republic
It’s great that organizers paid attention to what the travel agencies were saying and put both exhibitions into one big hall. The results confirm that this new arrangement is the right one, because participation by small and medium-sized travel agencies and tour operators has grown.

Bohumil Smutný, Assembly Member of the South Moravian Assembly for the Communist Party
Visitor numbers at the start of this year’s GO and Regiontour travel trade fairs are up, thanks in part certainly to the great presentations made by individual regions. What I love most about this event is the opportunity to meet up with partners in friendly regions, thanks to which we can better find a common voice – without a doubt, this then contributes to better co-operation between regions at the national level.

Miriam Kolářová, Deputy Mayor of City District Brno North
I love the now traditional Go and Regiontour international trade fairs. I make good use of the time I spend here in the company of friends not only from Brno and the South Moravian Region, but also from other allied regions. The atmosphere is very warm and lively.

Jiří Horák, Mayor of Bučovice
Regiontour is s a superb place to meet and establish contacts with new partners. Speaking as a South Moravian, we’re happy to meet up with friends, say from the Zlín Region, with whom we just don’t get the time to chat during the rest of the year.

Pavel Pichler, Travelbakers.cz
I’ve come across a number of stands where they’re working with virtual reality and interactive models, which has been a pleasant surprise. The fact that the Go and Regiontour fairs have linked together tourism and food is a progressive step. For me, it’s wonderful that when I visit the Olomouc Region’s stand, for instance, I can taste some of their tvarůžky cheese right next door.

Ondřej Cahel, exhibitor, ekolo.cz
We’ve even managed to sell a few bikes since the morning. Visitors have been tempted by the festival prices. Compared to last year our stand is in a better place, and the test track is bigger – clients get a longer test ride.

Ondřej Blaho, presenter of Czech Television’s
Dobré ráno morning programme I’m really enthusiastic about this year’s Regiontour! First and foremost, I must praise the programme on the joint stage of the Brno and South Moravian Region stands, which is really packed with interesting stuff and some super guests. I most enjoyed the debate with Pavel Anděl about preparations for the project to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia, which sounds like a unique project and might well be something unmatched anywhere else in central Europe. And the overall organization of the event is great. I’ve really enjoyed myself here, even though I’ve been rushed off my feet presenting. central Europe. And the overall organization of the event is great. I’ve really enjoyed myself here, even though I’ve been rushed off my feet presenting.

Petr Kostka, Sales Director of the travel agents KOVOTOUR PLUS
Shifting the GO trade fair into Exhibition Hall P was a good move. The customer doesn’t have to go anywhere, and the regions’ stands have always had a high number of visitors. Now customers can make their way through the regional stands, taste some food and drink, and come and see us. There are plenty of people here, so we’re satisfied.

Lenka Aliti, Customer Care Department of the Nomád travel agency
The overall impression I get is that this year has been very successful – if we compare it to last year’s event. There are more people here. Exhibitors have appealing stands. We also appreciate how the organizers have generally looked to ensure everything has been kept clean and tidy.

Simona Juránková, PR and Advertising Agent, National Tourist Office of the Dominican Republic
I can safely say that visitors haven’t given us a moment’s peace. They’ve flocked to us over all four days of the event. They were asking questions and gathering information. It’s great that this year the regions and travel agents have been put together side by side. Visitor numbers at our stand this year have been very high.

Martin Pižem, Regional Tourism Organization Slovak Paradise and Spiš
I’ve been very favourably struck by the fair. I can see a real diversity on offer: the domestic regions are exhibiting in force and there are many attractive foreign destinations, too. I like how people are responding actively and asking for more information, which is of course what we’re here for. Partly we want to present destinations, but at the same time we’ve brought some special offers from our towns and accommodation providers. Czech visitors are very important for us, they represent about 30% of our clients.

Michaela Rafajová, Executive Director, Tourism Association High Tatras
Czech customers are the number one group when it comes to the High Tatra region. So it’s vital that we represent ourselves on the Czech Market. We get guests coming from all over the Czech Republic; I think there’s an element of nostalgia at play, because they regard the Tatras as partly theirs. The older generation is now returning, for example, with their grandkids, showing them the places where they once used to go.

Michaela Bělinová, Hořice Information Centre
Thanks to the Association of Tourist Information Centres CR, we’ve got a lot more space to present Hořice, so we’re really pleased. We’ve tried to make the most of this opportunity. People have found us OK, even though we used to be part of the Hradec Králové Region exhibition. Kids have loved the “300 Curves” motorcycle race simulator, and the Hořice tubes have gone down well with everyone.

Jana Plocrová, Hand Painted Maps
We’re really satisfied. Loads of people – we’ve been constantly busy and they’re really interested in our aerial photographs, asking a lot of questions. The organizational side of Regiontour has gone without a hitch – smooth as silk.

Jitka Šašinková, Tourist Stamps, Rýmařov Information Centre
We are especially satisfied with visitor numbers – it’s been packed here and we’ve handed out a surprising amount of printed materials this year. Fortunately, we were prepared and there are enough of us here, so we have had a chance to go and look round the other exhibitors.

Robert Huszár, Hungary, Manager Balatontourist
This is my fifteenth year at the fair, so it’s a home from home. The organizers are very helpful and friendly – we love you! The main thing we look forward to every year is meeting up with friends from the Czech and Slovak regional stands, who also make this fair a regular destination. We’re just missing a Polish stand, and then we’d be one big happy family.

Jan Matouš, Secretariat Director, ATIC
I really like this trade fair. I’m happy to be able to meet with members of our association, who are here to represent their region. This year we used the event as an opportunity to organize a meeting of the Council at the conference centre.

Jiří Karpíšek, presenter of the Plzeň Region stand
We come here regularly, I already know all my colleagues from the other regions. The atmosphere is excellent, friendly, and there are enough visitors to go round. We’re always happy to come here and we have a good time.

Magdaléna Jiříková, South Bohemian Tourism Office
I like this year’s new changes – the idea of linking together the Go and Regiontour international trade fairs in one hall. They complement each other superbly, and therefore attract more visitors. For me, the Regional Foods stands are maybe the most interesting.

Tomáš Postl, Director of Pangeo Tours
Combining the Go and Regiontour is super, there are plenty of people here. They keep streaming through and the place is alive. We’re really happy, and that applies to the organization, too.

Kateřina Vyškovská, exhibitor, owner of the V-Tour travel agency
This year we’ve erected two stands at the fair – in Hall F we’ve installed a via ferrata wall and next door we’ve a normal exhibition stand where we’re presenting an exhibition of photos, for example. I think that people like to be very active these days. I welcome this kind of trade fair concept, where people can come and try out all kinds of activities connected with tourism.

Michal Kůra, Director of the Slovenia Center Praha
Our visitor numbers are comparable with last year’s numbers. Visitors are really interested in Slovenia. For us, we prefer it when travel agencies are linked up with the regions, because it means that there are a lot more people moving about here.

Renata Hořanská, Director of the travel agents Valaška
The strongest days for us were without doubt Friday and Saturday. Visitor numbers have been decent. People still want to travel and explore. I’ve personally noticed a change in that more and more people are coming who know exactly what they want. Before it was different: people wandered around undecided, just collecting catalogues and not knowing what to choose. Putting the travel agencies in the same hall as the regional stands was a brainwave, because it means a much bigger accumulation of visitors.

Blanka Milfaitová, owner of Caravan & Camping Resort La Marmolada
This is our first time here, so we’ve nothing to compare it to. Nonetheless, there are enough eager visitors, so we’re quite satisfied. We got the most interest on Saturday.

Věra Molnár, representative of the Natural History Museum Vienna
We’re satisfied – we’ve had a lot of visitors coming to the stand. We’ve also made some new and promising contacts. Most people are interested in the Natural History Museum and the Zoo Schönbrunn. It’s always been lively here, and this year’s no exception. In Exhibition Hall P there is a lot of footfall, which is how it should continue to be in future.

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