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International Travel Fair

BVV Trade Fairs Brno Event at Brno Exhibition Centre Trade Fair
GO visual

Facts & Figures:

It is the largest presentation of the tourism industry with emphasis on regions in Central Europe. REGIONTOUR is a key project to support domestic and incoming tourism in the Czech Republic.  Its participants include crucial entities and decision-makers in tourism of the Czech Republic and its regions. The GO Fair focuses on outbound tourism. In addition to domestic travel agencies, providers of tourism services in popular foreign destinations and foreign tourist centres take part.

  • Full name: International Travel Fair
  • Date: ->3.-6.11.2022
  • Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
  • Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno


International Fair for Regional Tourism


Facts & Figures:

It is the largest presentation of the tourism industry with emphasis on regions in Central Europe. REGIONTOUR is a key project to support domestic and incoming tourism in the Czech Republic. Its participants include crucial entities and decision-makers in tourism of the Czech Republic and its regions.

The GO Fair focuses on outbound tourism. In addition to domestic travel agencies, providers of tourism services in popular foreign destinations and foreign tourist centres take part.

Full name: GO - International Travel Trade Fair
REGIONTOUR - International Fair of Regional Tourism
Date: 2. - 5. 11. 2023
Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno
List of exhibitors: i-Catalogue - Exhibitors & Products


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Caravaning Brno

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