14.-16.5. 2015
International Dental Fair & Conference

InDent 2015
The exhibitors were mainly satisfied with the fair organisation and the organisers‘ work (93 %) and the trade fair facilities (86 %). The high satisfaction rate was also reflected with respect to the exhibition stand location rating (86 %), BVV services (64 %) and parking (79 %). The opinions of the exhibitors reveal room for improvement in the years to come, for example the structure of visitors, trade fair promotion, refreshments. 50 % of the exhibitors plan to take part in the next edition.
More than half of the visitors were dental surgeons. A total of 72 % of the visitors were satisfied with the trade fair as it met their expectations. A total of 60 % of the visitors came from firms employing up to 5 experts. A total of 33 % of the visitors came to the trade fair in search of dental surgery and laboratory equipment, 27 % look for ma¬terials for the dental sector and 17 % looked for the means of preventive care. A total of 62 % of the visitors were satisfied with the supporting programme, the visitors expressed a high rate of satisfaction with the trade fair facilities (72 %). 68 % of the visitors will come to the 2016 InDent.
Conference participants:
Most of the conference attendants were dental surgeons and students. A total of 75 % of the participants spoke highly of the conference. The best rated lectures were those presented by MUDr. Radoslav Lacina, MUDr. Ladislav Gregor, MUDr. et MUDr. Gabriela Pavlíková, Jakub Hošek, Ondřej Adam and Jochen Peters. For the next edition the participants would welcome the topic of orthodontics and dental prosthesis. What was very much appreciated was the organisation and accessibility of the conference just like the conference website. A total of 70 % of the respondents confirmed their participation in the next year’s edition.
Final report - InDent 2015
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What was said about the fair
Oldřich Špidla, director, OMS-Dent, s. r. o.
As regards the exhibition itself, I like it very much, the spaces are perfect and, compared to Prague, for example, Brno offers great infrastructure. Everything was perfectly managed in terms of the organisation. I very much appreciated the transfer of the exhibition to Brno and I am slightly surprised by the result. I expected the Brno physicians to arrive in larger numbers. A lot was done in terms of promotion but the participation does not correspond to the efforts made. The only thing that is missing here is a sufficient number of customers. But the real evaluation will be made after the end of the fair.
Radka Návesníková, Professional Relations
The spaces were well selected, the participation of firms was quite good but what was worse was the number of visitors that was
really low. The organisers did their best to promote the event, perhaps it would be advisable to change the trade fair conception and allow access to the general public would liven the event up. The lecture programme we provided at our exhibition stand is, in my view, the ideal way to approach the visitors. And it is in quite a high demand.
Leo Schaffer, director, SCHAFFEROVÁ spol. s r. o. (Special care)
It could be better. We will evaluate the fair based on the contacts we have collected and potential deals and opportunities. And the impression? Yesterday worse, today it is more interesting but still nothing to write home about.
Libuše Hladíková, business manager and shop manager, SAFINA a. s.
I must say that this fair offers to us a new view of the market as Ostrava was not that interesting for us. I appreciate that Brno has such an excellent exhibition centre, definitely of a much higher quality than that in Prague - Holešovice. And the main point is that it is something new that has been missing here. Brno has always been slightly neglected in our discipline and South Moravia has a very strong potential. Furthermore, Brno is close to Slovakia and some physicians have also arrived from there.
Tomáš Najer, executive, PRODENTA s. r. o.
To tell the truth, we expected to see more visitors but we are satisfied anyway. I definitely liked very much this year’s organisation, the Brno exhibition centre is of a high quality and employs an experienced team. We have come mainly to make deals, and we succeed in that. There are fewer people coming than we expected but, on the other hand, the people who come here to buy and therefore we are successful.
Roman Stárek, business manager, Dent Unit s. r. o.
We found InDent in Brno very similar to InDent in Ostrava. On the first day, the number of visitors was lower as there was no conference. We have no objections as to the organisation, the environment is nice, I just wish there were more people coming even if the second day is much better than the first one.
Petr Matoušek, sales manager, synMedico GmbH
We offer special applications to dental surgeons to facilitate their communication with patients and documentation. We are a German company and our product has no competition to date, and we are entering the Czech market right here in Brno to start out our business activities from here. I have been to the fair in Vienna and InDent compares favourably. We have had a number of business meetings. I am convinced that we will win several customers here and that the participation will not only be positive for our image, but it will also bring economic effects.
Petr Hach, executive, Everydent s. r. o.
I have been coming to the InDent fairs since the very start and I must say that I like the Brno exhibition centre a lot. These are beautiful, clean, well accessible premises, the hall offers a nice environment and we are satisfied here. The entire organisation including the transport of equipment was excellent and highly appreciated. It will only show how this year’s InDent comes off in terms of the visit rate and success of the companies. We invited clients to our stand who come from Brno and South Moravia and my impression from the first two days is quite positive.
Iva Mondok, Dental technician section sponsor
We were slightly concerned about the transfer to Brno as in Ostrava the fair atmosphere was homey and friendly there but I must say that this atmosphere was carried over, too. We, dental technicians, meet on a regular basis and it is obvious that people feel relaxed and well here. I think that the exhibition is a bit small, it reflects the structural change in the dental technician market. The shift towards digitalisation shrinks the market. On the one hand, there is a drop in small investments and, on the other hand, the investments are rising astronomically. The work of the dental technician changes from a handcraft to CAD-CAM modelling for concrete patients followed by a team large-scale production. Education and conferences such as InDent are a must in this transitory stage. And they are in high demand, the opening lecture presented by a foreign expert filled up the hall to the very last seat. I have a good impression from this event.
Eva Gojíšová, Dental hygienist and nurse section sponsor
There was a relatively short period of time available to prepare the event but despite that the InDent conference offers a high quality programme. It is well structured, with interesting lecturers and high standard of the papers. I think that the listeners were satisfied and I was pleased by their interest in the lecturers. This event is most beneficial for dental hygienists as it is necessary to enhance their professional thinking and professional self-confidence. Furthermore, we must take into account that this is the first edition. The standard of the fair in Ostrava was dropping but now I believe that the InDent conference prestige will be on the rise again. I very much liked the exhibition, the space was very nice and so where the stands. I believe that those firms that were not here will regret their absence. Of course, this is the first edition but the transfer to Brno, the city of trade fairs, is the right choice. I believe that the prestige of the InDent will be rising now and in a few years time it could become a very good competitor to the Prague Dental Days and Pragodent, which is definitely advisable. Here one feel the proficiency of the organisers and, what is more, Brno has beautiful spaces. Being the very first edition, my impression of the event is very good. It is very good that such events take place.
Filip Donev, Dental Surgeon section sponsor
This is my first visit to the InDent fair and I very much like the spaces and the organisation. I think that this event has a potential to grow and become as large as Pragodent. As regards the specialist conference, the composition of the lecturers and lectures, I must say that the programme is very good and interesting. The lecturers are true top experts in their fields.
Petr Jelínek, dentist, participant in the Dental conference InDent
Compared to Ostrava, this is a change for the better. It is obvious that this exhibition has no tradition in Brno but I believe that it is on the right path. It must gain recognition in order to attract more people. There is a number of educational events for dentists and therefore it is necessary to establish a new tradition and break through but there were already dentists from South Moravia here this year.
Kateřina Křenková, president of the Association
I am very happy that I could take part in the first edition of the InDent fair at the Brno exhibition centre. Unlike other trade fairs I visited, this one was smaller which allowed the visitors to see everything for themselves and not to miss out anything. I was also satisfied with the specialist programme which took place during the conference. Lectures presented by MUDr. Ladislav Gregor and MUDr. Radoslav Lacina were excellent as usual.