14.-15.9. 2010
ICT Expert Encounter

Facts & Figures:
INVEX Forum is a specialist conference event continuing the successful new format from 2009, which has a strictly specialised expert programme for a clearly defined group of participants.
This is an independent project at the MSV trade fair, creating a comprehensive concept in the field of information and communication technology and in the area of industry and engineering.
- Full name: ICT Expert Encounter
- Date: 14.-15.9. 2010
- Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
- Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno
- for top management – visionary section
- for middle management – business/economics section
- for IT specialists – specialist ICT section
- a specialised and precisely focused programme spread over two days
- divided into morning and afternoon subject blocks opened by keynote speakers
- conferences, seminars, presentations
- discussion of the latest trends, presentation of new solutions
- partnership participation in the individual sections of the conference programme
- the effective and tested event format
- presentation of specific solutions to a precisely defined and relevant audience
- an interdisciplinary gathering of interested parties (not merely an event for IT experts)
- the easiness of your preparations – everything provided on a turnkey basis
- a high price–performance ratio
- the professional profile of visitors to MSV best fits the requirements of trade visitors to INVEX Forum
- the opportunity of company presentation in the form of an exhibition stand directly addressing visitors to both INVEX Forum and MSV
- more than 1,500 exhibitors from 29 countries take part in MSV every year. MSV is attended by an average of more than 82,000 visitors from 53 countries, and more than 400 journalists from 8 countries
- the exhibitors at MSV are also potential customers of IT companies – MSV is attended by a broad spectrum of companies of all sizes (from one to many thousands of employees)
- INVEX was originally formed from part of MSV, and now IT technology is, in part, again to be presented at MSV (CAD, CAE, CIM)
- 78 % of visitors to MSV make decisions, alone or jointly, on investments and purchases (37 % are representatives of top management) and 91 % of these visitors plan to come again in 2010