Podlaha surgical days
9.-10.10. 2017
X Podlaha surgical days
XI Interactive congress of wound healing

Instructions for preparing abstracts
Please send the abstract in MS Word Document (*. doc) to these email addresses: bknopova@bvv.cz or iklugarova@bvv.cz, following to these instructions:
File name: Surname_lecture title.doc
Range: Max. 3000 characters with spaces
Margins: top 2.5 cm; bottom 2.5 cm; left 2.5 cm; right
2.5 cm
Font type: Times New Roman
Line spacing: 1
Abstract title: font size 12, capital letters, bold
Author(s): font size 12, regular type, (abbreviation of the first name and complete surname
without titles, in the order selected by authors, underline the presenting
Workplace: font size 12, Italic font
Main text: size 12, regular font
The structure
divided into: introduction, methods, results, conclusion
Deadline for submission of abstracts: until 30st July 2017
Literature quotations are not recommended and should
be used only when absolutely necessary.
Pictures or graphs are not recommended.
If the paper was supported (e.g. by a grant), it is possible to state this fact below the abstract (font size 12, italic font).