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Podlaha surgical days
9.-10.10. 2017

X Podlaha surgical days
XI Interactive congress of wound healing

Scientific programme


Sunday 8 October 2017

17.00 – 18.30 Registration

Monday 9 October 2017

7.30 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 Opening
Aurelius Hall


Session 1: Cavity injuries

Chairmen: V. Třeška, F. Vyhnánek, M. Reška

  1. Innovated rib fixation with Judet struts (preclinical studies, first clinical experience)
    F. Vyhnánek, D. Jírava, M. Očadlík, M. Šáber, P. Michal / Praha
  2. Thoracic penetration injury – experience of Trauma Center of University Hospital in Pilsen
    J. Vodička, V. Špidlen, V. Třeška, Š. Vejvodová, J. Doležal, A. Židková, J. Škorpil / Plzeň
  3. Traumatic rupture of thoracic aorta
    V. Třeška, B. Čertík, J. Moláček, F. Šlauf / Plzeň
  4. Thoracic wall stabilisation and its importance
    M. Reška, J. Konečný, I. Čapov, L. Veverková / Brno
  5. Thoracic penetration injury
    J. Konečný, M. Reška, R. Hasara, I. Čapov, L. Veverková / Brno
  6. Emergency approach to subclavian bundle
    P. Mach / Brno
10.00-10.30 Coffee break


Session 2: Thoracic wall sarcomas

Chairmen: U. Pastorino, R. Lischke, I. Čapov

  1. Presentation topic to be announced / 25´
    U. Pastorino / Miláno
  2. Thoracic wall sarcomas from oncological perspective
    D. Adámková-Krákorová / Brno
  3. The importance of a plastic surgeon in thoracic and abdominal wall oncosurgery
    J. Veselý, Z. Dvořák, I. Stupka, P. Novák, I. Čapov, A. Peštál, J. Žák, Z. Chovanec, O. Coufal, M. Ondrák / Brno
  4. Presentation topic to be announced
    R. Lischke / Praha
  5. Surgical and oncological view on thoracic wall sarcomas
    M. Mitták / Ostrava
  6. Infiltration of upper thoracic aperture − superior sulcus tumor / surgical approach
    Z. Chovanec, A. Peštál, Z. Kříž, E. Brichtová, I. Čapov / Brno
  7. Concept of High Volume Hospitals in oncosurgery in the Czech Republic
    M. Duda, L. Dušek, L. Adamčík, T. Jínek, M. Škrovina / Olomouc
12.00-13.00 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM /Ethicon


Session 3: Infections of pleural and abdominal cavities

Chairmen: J. Vodička, M. Peteja, L. Veverková

  1. Possibilities and limits of antibiotic treatment / 30´
    M. Kolář / Olomouc
  2. Management of abdomical cavity infections / 20´
    T. Auer / Graz
  3. Thoracic empyema – ten-year experience of Surgical Clinic at University Hospital in Pilsen
    J. Vodička, V. Špidlen, Š. Vejvodová, J. Doležal / Plzeň
  4. Lung abscesses
    L. Tulinský, M. Mitták / Ostrava
  5. VAC® system in thoracic surgery
    M. Szkorupa, B. Zálešák, J. Chudáček, D. Stehlík, Č. Neoral, J. Hanuliak / Olomouc
  6. Management of thoracic wall defects with combination of dynamic suture and NPWT
    R. Slováček, P. Rohlík, V. Rohlíková / Vsetín
  7. Instill negative pressure ULTRAVAC therapy in management of infected laparotomies
    A. Jurkovič, J. Bartoš, V. Benčurik, M. Škrovina / Nový Jičín
  8. TBC infection as a rare cause of splenic rupture?
    P. Horák, J. Fulík, J. Marvan, A. Drs, R. Vobořil, J. Fanta / Praha
  9. Septic intraabdominal complications after cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) – single centre study
    D. Klos, J. Hanuliak, Č. Neoral, R. Lemstrová, B. Mohelniková Duchoňová, B. Melichar, H. Špaňhelová, Š. Fritscherová, R. Horáček, L. Ľubušká, L. Blahut / Olomouc


Session 4: Legal aspects of surgical profession, training

Chairmen: K. Cibulka, Z. Krška, D. Klos, M. Mašek, L. Veverková
  1. Current issues concerning criminal liability of a legal person as a provider of health care services
    K. Cibulka / Brno
  2. Lege artis in surgery
    Z. Krška / Praha
  3. Modern approach to real life use of Methodology for determining nonmaterial damage to health from the expert perspective
    D. Klos / Olomouc
  4. Current situation of postgradual education since July 2017
    L. Veverková / Brno
  5. Current situation of postgradual education in the area of traumatic surgery
    M. Mašek / Brno
16.00-16.30 Coffee break


Session 5: Various topics, rare case studies, PhD research

Chairmen: P. Vávra, J. Chudáček, Z. Chovanec

  1. Laparoscopic liver resection with 3D navigation system
    P. Vávra, D. Toman,T. Karásek, M. Jaroš, P. Strakoš, M. Peteja, P. Ihnát, J. Roman, I. Penka / Ostrava
  2. Esophageal sarcomas and carcinomas (Praha)
    M. Šnajdauf, A. Pazdro, T. Haruštiak, H. Mrázková, R. Lischke / Praha
  3. Thymomas – case studies
    V. Zoubková, V. Třeška, J. Vodička, V. Špidlen / Plzeň
  4. VATS Lobeectomy – personal experience
    P. Horažďovský, J. Mališ., V. Hytych / Praha
  5. Schwannoma of phrenical nerves
    J. Chudáček, M. Szkorupa, T. Bohanes, H. Hanuliak, M. Stašek, P. Mátl, Č. Neoral / Olomouc
  6. Esophageo-pericardial fistula – case study of a rare complication of RFA
    H. Mrázková, T. Haruštiak, A. Pazdro, M. Šnajdauf, R. Lischke / Praha
  7. Acute abdomen after abdominal liposuction in patient with adrenogenital syndrome – a case study
    J. Böhmová, R. Ston, D. Erhart / Praha
  8. Ileocecal invagination in patient with Burkitt lymphoma after renal transplantation
    V. Prudius, M. Páral, A. Peštál, I. Čapov / Brno
  9. Calciphylaxis – diagnostics, therapy, costs – 2 case studies
    M. Konrád, D. Tschakert, J. Rejholec, M. Ullrych / Děčín
  10. DRG restart / 30´
    L. Dušek
16.00 SOR meeeting
16.30 Committee of Czech Surgical Society
20.00 Social event / Mikulov chateau
Petřivalského prize awarding ceremony: laureates prof. Krška, assoc. prof. Vyhnánek

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Common session

Aurelius Hall


Session 6: EDUCATION – TEN prevention, new trends

Chairman: K. Urbánek

  1. Direct peroral anticoagulation drugs, pharmacology perspective
    K. Urbánek / Olomouc

Session „A“ - Aurelius Hall


Session 7: Functional disorders of the pelvic floor

Chairmen: I. Penka, P. Ihnát, I. Belkov, P. Vlček

  1. Anorectal functional testing
    J. Dolina / Brno
  2. Defecography in the diagnostics of pelvic floor disorders
    D. Bartůšek / Brno
  3. Interdisciplinary approach to pelvic floor disorders
    I. Belkov / Brno
  4. Transabdominal and transanal approach to pelvic floor disorders
    P. Vlček / Brno
  5. Anal incontinence – serious medical problem
    P. Ihnát, P. Vávra, P. Ostruszka, I. Penka / Ostrava
  6. Treatment comparison of patients with colorectal carcinoma and synchronous liver metastases with “primary first-liver first approach“ in randomised study – first presentation
    M. Peteja , , P.Vávra, M.Lerch, I.Penka / Ostrava
  7. Rare case of rectal wall perforation with deep infiltrative endometriosis in 20-year-old nonpregnant patient
    D. Kuchař, J. Lenz, J. Tihon, R. Chvátal, M. Kavka / Znojmo
11.00-11.30 Coffee break


Session 11: Role of nutrition in surgery

Chairmen: I. Satinský, P. Homzová, L. Urbánek

  1. Nutrition chapters in ERAS / 30´
    I. Satinský / Havířov
  2. Preoperative fasting versus preoperative administration of carbohydrate solutions – recommendations and personal results
    Z. Adamová, R. Slováček / Vsetín
  3. Role of nutrition support in patients before elective surgery
    P. Homzová / Ostrava
  4. Parenteral nutrition – the way to damage the patient
    L. Urbánek, L. Veverková, J. Žák / Brno
  5. Refeeding syndrome during postoperative nutrition on surgical ICU
    J. Fulík, P. Horák, J. Kopic, A. Drs, J. Fanta / Praha
  6. Surgical patient from the perspective of nutritional therapist
    A. Mottlová / Brno

Session „B“ - Pálava Hall


Session 8: Wound healing

Chairmen: A. Pokorná, V. Fejfarová, L. Veverková

  1. Databasis and statistical results
    A. Pokorná / Brno
  2. Matrix therapy in regenerative medicine from basic science to clinics evidenced in wound healing / 20'
    D. Barritault / Paříž
  3. Preparations affecting extracellular matrix in diabetic foot syndrome healing
    V. Fejfarová, H.Tibenská, J. Niklová, R. Bém, M. Dubský, V. Wosková, A. Němcová, A. Jirkovská / Praha
  4. Own experience with use of the extracellular matrix by closure of surgical and chronic wounds
    L. Veverková / Brno
  5. Healing of non-healing defects of wounds by modern preparations – healing of diabetic defects
    Š. Petrovská, N. Moricová, J. Teperová / Ostrava
11.00-11.30 Coffee break


Session 9: Wound healing

Chairmen: A. Pokorná, V. Fejfarová, A. Zatloukal, L. Veverková

  1. Efficient way of prescription of materials for wound healing, use, its future – 20'
    T. Soharová / Praha – 20´
  2. NPWT therapy in numbers
    L. Veverková / Brno
  3. Negative pressure wound therapy in University hospital Ostrava
    A. Zatloukal, N. Moricová , J. Rutarová / Ostrava
  4. VAC therapy in abdominal surgery
    J. Jatel / Ostrava
  5. Experience with use of STOPBAC surgical coverage in aftercare and subsequent wound healing
    T. Trč / Praha
  6. Use of bioceramic materials in wound healing
    T. Jankovič, M. Bakoš / Nitra
  7. Complex approach to healing of chronic wounds after radiation therapy in oncology
    L. Sirotek, M. Ondrák, L. Fiala, J. Silák, O. Zapletal, R. Šefr / Brno
13.00-13.30 Coffee break


Session 10: Wound healing

Chairmen: A. Zatloukal, Z. Poštulková, L. Badalíková

  1. Positioning trauma
    K. Krejsová / Brno
  2. Pectus excavatum − surgical treatment in adulthood, nursing case study
    Z. Poštulková, Z. Matýsková, N. Jiravová / Ostrava
  3. Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC, principles of safety when using cytotoxic agents at the operation theatre Negative pressure wound therapy in University hospital Ostrava
    V. Pospíšilová, L. Brokešová / Olomouc
  4. Child's fear before operation procedure
    J. Lhoťan, L. Laifertová / Ostrava
15.00 End of congress

Situation up to 3. 10. 2017
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