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Podlaha surgical days
14.-15.10. 2019

XI. Podlaha surgical days
XII. Interactive congress of wound healing

Scientific programme

The educational event is organized according to the Professional Instruction of the Czech Medical Chamber No. 16 and will be awarded by 12 credits.

Sunday 13 October 2019

17.00 – 18.30 Registration

Monday 14. 10. 2019

7.30 – 9.00 Registration
8.30 – 9.00 Opening
Aurelius Hall
9.00 – 10.00

Session 1

Up to date education in surgery, legal aspects (60 minutes)
Chairman: J. Škrha, L. Veverková

  1. News in specialized education (15 minutes)
    J. Škrha / Praha
  2. Specialized education in surgery (15 minutes)
    J. Vodička / Plzeň
  3. Answers to practical questions
    M. Šimková / Brno
  4. Legal aspects in education
    M. Koščík / Brno
  5. Virtual surgery – our experience (5 minutes)
    Z. Chovanec / Brno
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 – 11.30

Session 2

ERAS in colorectal surgery (60 minutes)
Chairman: P. Vlček

  1. Innovations in Perioperative Medicine: Where are we now and where do we go? (20 minutes)
    Tan Arulampalam (Colchester Hospital / Essex, UK)
  2. Pre-hospitalization preparation – a Cinderella of ERAS
    Z. Adamová, R. Slováček / Vsetín
  3. ERAS – How are we doing
    L. Ciesar, O. Kus, M. Sedláček, I. Satinský / Havířov
  4. ERAS in colorectal surgery on geriatric patients
    P. Kocián, P. Přikryl, D. Hodyc, J. Hoch, T. Vymazal / Praha
  5. Prehabilitation – a neglected part of ERAS protocol
    R. Slováček, Z. Adamová / Vsetín
11.45 – 13.00 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM, discussion panel (75 minutes)
Tan Arulampalam (Colchester Hospital)
Zuzana Šerclová (Hořovice)
Petr Kocián (FN Motol)
Beáta Hemmelová (FN Brno)
Zdeněk Chvátal (FN Brno, ARO)
Petr Vlček (FNUSA Brno)
13.15 – 14.30

Session 3

Neuromodulation of sacral nerve (75 minutes)
Chairman: P. Vlček

  1. Neuromodulation of sacral nerves (20 minutes)
    S. Riss / Vídeň A
  2. State of sacral neuromodulation in the Czech Republic
    J. Örhalmi / Hořovice
  3. Transabdominal or transperineal procedures in solving pelvic floor dysfunction?
    P. Vlček, J. Korbička, L. Veverková, A. Berková, I. Čapov / Brno
  4. WATCH AND WAIT procedure for rectal cancer
    F. Pazdírek, R. Lohynská , J. Hoch / Praha
  5. The use of TAMIS in the treatment of lower rectal lesions
    M. Skácel, P. Vlček, J. Tihon D. Kuchař, J. Lenz, M. Kavka / Znojmo
  6. Does routine ICG fluorescence angiography produce more favourable results in rectal anastomosis healing?
    D. Langer, J. Kalvach, M. Ryska / Praha
14.30 – 15.00 Coffee break
15.00 – 16.00

Session 4

Nutrition in surgery and latest treatment trends in acute colon diverticulitis (60 minutes)
Chairman: L. Urbánek, P. Vlček

  1. How to get nutritional recommendations into practice
    I. Satinský, P. Schwarz / Havířov
  2. Enteral nutrition in surgery
    M. Rada / Stod
  3. Nutrition in patients with open abdomen
    L. Urbánek / Brno
  4. Our experience with transanal procedures in the treatment of obstructive defecation syndrome
    P. Vlček, T. Vystrčilová, A. Berková, J. Korbička, K. Glombová, F. Sasínek / Brno
  5. Timing of planned surgical treatment of diverticular disease
    D. Toman, P. Ihnát, A. Foltys, P. Vávra / Ostrava
  6. Conservative therapy of diverticular disease
    M. Broučková / Stod
16.30 – 17.30

Session 5

Vacuum therapy in surgery, in treatment and prevention, what's new in prescription (60 minutes)
Chairman: M. Huťan, L. Veverková

  1. Pre-emptive use of epicutaneous negative pressure in general surgery
    M. Huťan / Hainburg, A
  2. Do we understand vacuum therapy correctly, or where there are compromises
    H. Poláková, E. Szabó / Praha
  3. Combination of NPWT and autolytic debridement in wound healing after fasciotomy in acute limb ischemia
    J. Mykyta / SK
  4. Use of vacuum therapy for complicated abdominal cavity closure
    V. Červinka, MUDr. Lukáš Sákra, Ph.D., J. Matyáš / Pardubice
  5. NPWT in numbers and in prescription
    L. Veverková, M. Reška, J. Žák, P .Vlček / Brno
19.30 – 24.00 Festive event / Mikulov chateau

Tuesday 15 October 2019

8.00 – 9.00 Registration

Aurelius Hall

9.00 – 10.00

Session 6

Thoracic surgery (60 minutes)
Chairman: J. Vodička, I. Čapov, T. Schmid, M. Mittak

  1. Topic reserved (20 minutes)
    T. Schmid / Innsbruck, A
  2. Experience and comparison of uniportal and multiportal thoracoscopic approach to lung lobectomy
    M. Mittak, L. Tulinský / Ostrava
  3. Use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in thoracic surgery
    M. Benej, I. Cundrle, P. Suk, K. Brat, I. Čapov, V. Šrámek / Brno
  4. Long-term results and prognostic factors of surgical treatment of lung metastases of colorectal cancer
    J. Vodička, J. Fichtl, V. Špidlen, V. Třeška, Š. Vejvodová, J. Šebek, K. Procházková, P. Mukenšnabl, O. Topolčan, G. Krákorová / Brno
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 – 12.00

Session 7

Thoracic surgery (90 minutes)
Chairman: J. Veselý, M. Szkorupa, Z. Chovanec, T. Bohanes

  1. Replacement of chest and abdominal wall in full thickness (20 minutes)
    J. Veselý, V. Jedlička, A. Peštál, Z. Chovanec, M. Ondrák, R. Šefr/ Brno
  2. Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of mediastinum tumours and results of surgical treatment in the Olomouc University Hospital 2010 – 2017
    J. Chudáček, M. Szkorupa, T. Bohanes, J. Hanuliak, M. Stašek, D. Vrána, K. Cwiertka, F. Čtvrtlík , V. Kolek, Č. Neoral / Olomouc
  3. CRS + HITHOC – possibility of combined treatment of MPM
    M. Szkorupa, D. Klos¹, J. Chudáček¹, Č. Neoral¹, V. Kolek², B. Melichar / Olomouc
  4. VATS surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax – How many incisions do we actually need?
    T. Bohanes, M. Brndiar, B. D. Ghanim, E. Stubenberger /Krems, A
  5. Catamenial pneumothorax
    M. Szkorupa, J. Chudáček, J. Hanuliak, Č. Neoral / Olomouc
  6. Differential diagnostics and evaluation of solitary and multiple lung lesions in CT scan from radiologist's perspective
    V. Červeňák, Z. Chovanec, M. Benej, M. Páral, V. Prudius, V. Postránecká, J. Vaníček / Brno
  7. Labelling of pulmonary nodularities before planned video-thoracoscopic (VTS) resection. What our options are.
    Z. Chovanec, V. Červeňák, M. Benej, M. Páral, V. Prudius, A. Peštál, I. Čapov / Brno
  8. Pleural cavity empyema – evaluation of VATS treatment results.
    V. Prudius, A. Peštál Z. Chovanec, M. Benej, I. Čapov / Brno
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.00

Session 8

Thoracic surgery + traumatology (60 minutes)
Chairman: F. Vyhnánek, M. Reška, M. Mitták

  1. Indications for surgical intervention in chest injuries – current status quo
    F. Vyhnánek, M. Očadlík / Praha
  2. Stabilization of the thoracic wall, when and why?
    M. Reška, I. Čapov / Brno
  3. Instability and arthropathy of sternoclavicular articulation
    M. Mittak, L. Tulinský / Ostrava
  4. Osteosynthesis of clavicle – a banal operation?
    M. Reška, J. Konečný, M. Kašpar, R. Hasara / Brno
  5. Complications of open intra-articular fractures
    J. Konečný, M. Reška, J. Konečný, M. Kašpar, R. Hasara / Brno
  6. Distal radium fractures – 10 years of experience
    J. Habr, M. Reška, J. Konečný, M. Kašpar, R. Hasara /Brno
14.00-14.30 Coffee break
15.00 – 16.00

Session 9

Miscellaneous (60 minutes)
Chairman: P. Vávra, J. Konečný

  1. Technological aspects of laparoscopic liver resections
    P. Vávra / Ostrava
  2. Case report: Salvage surgery for advanced gastric cancer
    B. Tolmaci, J. Klein, P. Žuffa / Zlín
  3. Coiling arteria hepatica dextra as an ultimum refugium solution to upper gastrointestinal bleeding from duodenal apex lesion – a case report
    K. Havlová, P. Záruba, M. Ryska / Praha
  4. Incidence of complications after axillary dissection in breast cancer patients – from Harmonic scalpel back to ligatures?
    J. Žatecký, O. Kubala, D. Sekret, Č. Holuša, M. Lerch, M. Peteja / Opava
  5. Cystic hamartoma in presacral area
    A. Berková, T. Vystrčilová, J. Korbička, P. Vlček, K. Glombová, F. Sasínek / Brno
  6. Strangulation of the intestine as a complication of laparoscopy – a case report
    T. Hanslík, P Vlček / Brno


Tuesday 15 October 2019

Pálava Hall

9.00 – 10.00

Session 10

(60 minutes)
Chairman: L. Badalíková, H. Horelová

  1. Case report: Perioperative care of a patient operated on for rectal cancer
    M. Slavíková, M. Riegerová, O. Bártová / Hradec Králové
  2. Uniportal thoracoscopic lobectomy
    Z. Poštulková, Z. Matýsková / Ostrava
  3. Robot-assisted rectal amputation and prostatectomy
    O. Bártová, M. Slavíková, M. Riegerová / Hradec Králové
  4. Utilization of new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the treatment of liver metastases of rectal cancer
    H. Horelová, A. Podolová / Ostrava
  5. Patient with jejunostomy
    M. Mrověcová, B. Danielová / Ostrava
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 – 12.00

Session 11

(90 minutes)
Chairman: H. Poláková, L. Veverková

  1. Treatment of a complicated wound by means of vacuum therapy with NPWT flushing
    P. Vaníček / Ústí nad Orlicí
  2. Infections and wounds (20 minutes)
    H. Poláková / Pardubice
  3. Use of NPWT after amputation in thigh
    D. Valoušek /Přerov
  4. Vacuum therapy in surgery
    J. Jatel, M. Balažecová /Ostrava
  5. Treatment of wounds with vacuum therapy
    J. Rutarová, I. Šašecí /Ostrava
  6. Injuries and wounds in traumatology (20 minutes)
    E. Špičáková / Brno
  7. Experience with amniotic membrane in the area of chronic wounds
    E. Záhumenský/ Zlín
  8. Occurrence of pressure sores in the surgical department and determination of key factors
    L. Veverková / Brno
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
16.00 End of congress

Situation up to 3 October 2019, changes reserved.

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