Veletrhy Brno, a.s.
Message of CEO

Dear exhibitors,
Dear visitors,
I regret to state that as a result of extraordinary measures issued by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, since March up to now, it is impossible for trade fairs, congresses, concerts, corporate and other events that the Brno Exhibition Center normally organizes or hosts, to be held. The set rules and conditions for trade fairs, such as limiting the number of persons attending a show or dividing the trade fair into separate sectors, completely contradict the essence and logistics of a trade show. As a responsible company, we have decided to cancel the planned trade fairs, including the TECHAGRO and the International Engineering Fair, in advance, rather than trying to hold them at any cost, with uncertain results and circumventing the rules.
We disagree with the inclusion of trade fairs in the category of mass events, as the B2B trade fairs we mainly organize are no different from the logistics and attendance of shopping malls. We have at our disposal technically advanced exhibition halls and an extensive exhibition center, which allows a sufficient social distancing of participants in any event, as well as technically advanced online systems, including online registrations or payments. Based on the exchange of experience between international trade fair administrations, we have prepared a proposal for a set of hygiene and safety measures, which we consider sufficient for holding safe trade fairs events.
Despite all our efforts, the proposals for hygienic and safety measures for trade fairs have not yet been accepted or discussed with us since the spring. This is probably because the importance of trade fairs and congresses is not appreciated. Trade fairs, scientific and professional congresses, and corporate events create space for the emergence of new opportunities, the presentation of innovations, the exchange of ideas and thus contribute to the business and cultural development of society. They are an important part of the knowledge economy and a necessary tool for the development of the economy, industry and other fields. Trade fairs and congresses, however, are based on personal contact, which is now regrettably prohibited.
We firmly believe that the development of the situation will allow the planned fairs, exhibitions, congresses and other events to be held in 2021. We firmly believe that after the end of the currently unfavorable situation, the hygiene rules will be discussed with us so that together with you we will be able to intensively prepare planned events. Holding these events is in the interest of the prosperity of the economy and your companies.
Thanking you for your support I look forward to meeting you at the fairs in 2021.
Jiří Kuliš, CEO/Member of the Board