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6 exhibits won the Animal Tech 2019 Gold Medal

Thirty exhibits fought this year for the Animal Tech 2019 Gold Medal, of which 18 were shortlisted. The jury with its chairman Jiří Mašek, Dean of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, eventually selected 6 of them. The prizes and plaques were handed out at a ceremony held in Hall P, in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture Miroslav Toman and Jiří Kuliš, CEO of Trade Fairs Brno.

Seven exhibits then received a special award, the first ever Smart Farming. “It goes to exhibits using modern technology to increase the quality and quantity of agricultural produce. The jury focused on exhibits that have a high proportion of automation, or robotisation of work processes, use independent information and communication technologies or create elements of cooperating systems in the spirit of Agriculture 4.0,” remarked Jiří Mašek.


Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: CRV Czech Republic
Exhibitor: CRV Czech Republic
Location: Dairy cattle demonstration site

Allflex Young Cattle with eSense™ Flex Sensor

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: SCR Engineers Ltd., Israel
Exhibitor: Eurofarm systems s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 029

AGRITEC Silage Safe

Manufacturer: HUESKER Synthetic GmbH, Germany
Exhibitor: NutriVet, s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 098

AGE – VENT 300

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: AGE s.r.o.
Exhibitor: AGE s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 041

SiloSolve® FC

Category: Feed, fodder blends and feed preparations
Manufacturer: Chr. Hansen Czech Republic, s.r.o.
Exhibitor: Chr. Hansen Czech Republic, s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 074

MooCall Heat – bovine heat detection

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: MooCall, Irsko
Exhibitor: MERKANTA INTERNATIONAL spol. s r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 013


Smart Farming 2019

All the exhibits winning in the Smart Farming category meet the following requirements:

  • High degree of automation or robotisation of work processes
  • Hogh proportion of autonomous control
  • Use of independent information and communicationtechnologies
  • Forming the components of cooperating systems in the spirit of Agriculture 4.0

Lely Astronaut A5 automatic milking system

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: Lely S.à.r.l., The Netherlands
Exhibitor: AGRO-partner s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 028

Cow Manager

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: Cow Manager B.V., The Netherlands
Exhibitor: ISB Genetic s.r.o.


Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: Big Dutchman International GmbH
Exhibitor: BD Tech s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 033

John Deere HarvestLab 3000

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: John Deere Werke Zweibruecken
Exhibitor: STROM Praha, a.s.
Location: Hall P, Stand 006

Fence power DUO RF PDX50

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: VNT electronics, s.r.o.
Exhibitor: VNT electronics, s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 047

Shuttle Eco – self-driving feeding robot

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: WASSERBAUER GmbH Futterungsysteme
Exhibitor: V. Racek – farming technology s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 102

DeLaval VMS V300 automatic milking system

Category: Machinery and equipment for animal production
Manufacturer: DeLaval International AB, Sweden
Exhibitor: DeLaval, s.r.o.
Location: Hall P, Stand 101


Date: 14 May 2019 08:00:00

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