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The Horses Exhibition will be larger in 2019 than in previous years


More than 150 horses and almost 20 breeds will present the Horse Exhibition held as part of the National Show of Livestock in Brno this year. Hall F will host not only breeders‘ shows, but also various horse riding demonstrations. Right in the hall, there will be a large arena with grandstands, a circular riding site for additional programme and last but not least, sales stands of exhibitors of equestrian supplies.

Horse as a legend

A novelty of this year’s season will be a show of legends. Right at the Exhibition Centre, we will see some (not only) western horses, which have been here in the role of guests already twenty years ago. The participation of the harness driving team of the Kladruby nad Labem National Stud farm with impressive white or black horses will also be legendary.

Horse as an athlete

Noble Arabian Horses, intelligent Lusitano Horses, American Paint Horses, spotted-coat Appaloosas, muscly American Quarter Horses, sandy-grey Fjord Horses, Kinsky Golden Horses, fast polo ponies, hardworking Shetland Ponies, versatile Welsh Ponies and Cobs, impressive Friesian Horses, robust cold-bloods, Czech hot-bloods as well as miniature horses and other breeds will compete for the attention of audiences. Among them, as a national treasure, the Old Kladruby horses and, as a complete novelty, giant horses of the Shire breed. You can look forward to demonstrations of dressage, harness driving, equestrian vaulting, pull, and also western disciplines, extreme trail, working equitation, pushball, quadrillas, freestyle, communication and for the first time also horse polo.

Horse on duty

Horses on duty will be shown by the equestrian units of the Police of the Czech Republic in their demonstrations. You can watch the courage of horses that are not afraid to overcome the toughest pitfalls in a special show in the main arena.

Horse as a hope

The fact that a horse may be able to help a person by its mere presence is a fact generally known. However, what all the contact with a horse can do, will be presented by members of the Czech Hippotherapy Company from the associations Epona and Šemík Řícmanice. On the horsebacks, you will see not only parasport riders, but you can also let your kids ride. In addition, a new joint charity project named Horse As a Hope will be presented here, which will directly support handicapped individuals.

In Hall F, there will also be demonstrations of horseshoe work, horse care and its training. Tasty snacks with a stylish café and seating area will be available on site.

In cooperation with:

Breeders' Associations:

  • Appaloosa Horse Club CZ
  • Miniature Horse Breeders‘ Association
  • Czech Friesian Horse Breeders’ Association
  • Lusitano Horse Breeders‘ Club
  • Kladruby nad Labem National Stud Farm
  • Paint Horse Club of the Czech Republic
  • Fjord Horse Breeders‘ Association of the Czech Republic
  • Kinsky Horse Breeders‘ Association
  • Cold-blood Horse Breeders’ Association
  • Shagya Arab Breeders‘ Association of the Czech Republic
  • Shetland Pony Breeders Association


  • Western Riding Club ČR
  • Czech Hippotherapy Company
  • Equiteam z.s.
  • Šemík Řícmanice
  • Epona

Private breeders:

  • Czech Hot-blood
  • Paso Fino Colombiano
  • Pura Raza Espanola
  • Shire
  • Welsh Pony and Cob
  • Quarter Horse
  • Irish Cob
Date: 8 Feb 2019 14:07:00

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