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14.-17.5. 2013

International Fair for Rehabilitation, Compensation and Prosthetics Aids

Medical Fair Brno Award 2013


Best exhibit competition during international fairs MEDICAL FAIR Brno & REHAPROTEX

14th -17th May 2013


The company BVV Trade Fairs Brno announces the traditional best exhibit competition Medical Fair Brno Award and REHAPROTEX AWARD On the occasion of the international fairs Medical Fair Brno Central Europe and Rehaprotex. Please allow us to brief you on the most important facts concerning the competition and invite you to participate.

The competition is open to all exhibits displayed at the fairs Medical Fair Brno Central Europe and Rehaprotex.

The Evaluation Committee is composed of experts in the field of medical equipment and rehabilitation. The Chairman of the Committee is Prof. MUDr. Jan Žaloudík, CSc., surgeon, oncologist and emeritus dean of LF MU, Senator the Czech Parliament

Schedule of the competition:

  • Deadline for registration is 8th May 2013
  • Evaluation of exhibits will take place on 13th May 2013
  • The results will be announced on 14th May 2013

What benefits will the competition offer you?

  • We will clearly mark all registered exhibits directly at the display for the whole duration of Medical Fair Brno, REHAPROTEX 2013
  • Nominated exhibits will obtain a certificate, the winning exhibits then a prize and a diploma. Both awarded and nominated exhibitors will thus get the option to use their success for promotion already during the largest concentration of target groups at the fair.
  • We will take care of your presentation
    - In specialized media of the fair's media partners.
    - In press releases of the company BVV Trade Fairs Brno
    - On official websites of the company BVV Trade Fairs Brno – http://www.bvv.cz/rehaprotex/rehaprotex-2013/profil-veletrhu/ and http://www.bvv.cz/en/medical-fair-brno/medical-fair-brno-2013/, where you will also find:
    • general information about the competition, official statutes of the competition
    • presentation of registered and nominated exhibits
    • highlighted presentations of winning exhibits, and
    • updated information as part of on-line coverage of the fair

Blanka Zlatá
Phone +420 541153372, bzlata@bvv.cz

Rehaprotex 2013

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