14.-17.5. 2013
International Fair for Rehabilitation, Compensation and Prosthetics Aids

REHAPROTEX and MEDICAL FAIR BRNO in an autumn term
In agreement with our partners, the REHAPROTEX fair of Rehabilitation, Assistive and Prosthetic Devices and the Brno MEDICAL FAIR, of Medical Technology and Health will move from May 2015 to the dates of 21 to 24 October 2015.

The trade fairs presented novelties for health and social care
The gates of MEDICAL FAIR BRNO and REHAPROTEX trade fairs closed after four days, in which thousands of visitors familiarised themselves with new products and trends in health care, rehabilitation, social services and care for the elderly. The fairs were attended by 175 exhibiting companies from 20 countries, apart from the Czech Republic mainly from Germany, Poland, Italy and Spain. A supporting programme with conferences, seminars and lectures reaching out to professionals, as well as the general public, was part of the fairs.

Medical Summit Brno 2013
In mid-May, the Brno Exhibition Centre holds the MEDICAL FAIR BRNO and REHAPROTEX fairs where healthcare providers, rehabilitation and social care providers will present interesting innovations in their field. For suppliers of medical equipment and special aids for the handicapped, this is an opportunity to establish direct contacts with thousands of professionals who attend the fairs and the supporting programme in Brno.