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Fair for Rehabilitation, Compensation, Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Aids

BVV Trade Fairs Brno Event at Brno Exhibition Centre Trade Fair

Facts & Figures:

REHAPROTEX is a trade show that gathers manufacturers and distributors to offers a broad range of compensatory, prosthetic, orthopaedic and physiotherapeutic aids, as well as services for the active life of the elderly. Providers of social services, the non-profit sector or charities will also be presenting their products and services with a wide range of original products from their clients.

The supporting programme is created in cooperation with many important partners, such as the National Council of People with Disabilities of the Czech Republic, the Wheelchair League, ParaCENTRUM Fenix, Senior Pass, the Czech Footwear and Leather Association (ČOKA) and the National Institute of Public Health. Visitors to the fair include professionals from the state administration, insurance companies, labour offices, physician reviewers and specialists and physiotherapy workers, as well as the general public.

  • Full name: Fair for Rehabilitation, Compensation, Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Aids
  • Date: ---
  • Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre
  • Organizer: BVV Trade Fairs Brno

Fair Focus

The nomenclature of REHAPROTEX is subdivided into five basic groups:

REHA covers aids and devices of all kinds – orthopaedic and compensatory, for walking, mobility and transport, for hearing, visually and mentally handicapped and for those with internal disorders. It also includes facilities for the movement of persons, furniture and equipment for the disabled, foot care, physiotherapy and a healthy lifestyle, as well as advisory and consultancy services, and government and non-profit organizations.

MED covers medical devices (diagnostic and therapeutic), operation of a medical facility (background, equipment, IT and construction), services of specialised medical facilities (aesthetic surgery, etc.) and consulting, financing, insurance companies and institutions in health care.

WELLNESS covers all wellness and relaxation facilities (baths, saunas, and sunbeds), accessories and products for body and health care, as well as spa care and spa stays.

The CARE group represents social care and includes both social services, counselling and social prevention services.

The 55+ Group is dedicated to promoting the health and active life of seniors and care in old age. It includes care for the health of seniors, living at their own home and in  homes for the elderly, nursing and care services, support for senior citizens' education and job opportunities, travel and spa, senior citizens' clubs, civic associations and foundations, fashion for the elderly, leisure time activities and counselling.

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