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How to get to Brno Exhibition Centre

To Brno by air

Scheduled flight to Brno ( Timetable )

Scheduled flight to Prague ( Timetable )


To Prague and Vienna by air

It is possible to get into Prague and Vienna from all European metropolies using regular airlines.From there, Brno is easily accessible by other means of transport.
Flight duration and distance from selected European metropolies into Prague or Vienna:

To Brno from Prague airport by bus

Buses from Prague, bus station Florenc, to Brno go daily in approximately 30 minute intervals. The journey takes approx. 2.5 hours. There are also buses available, run by Czech Airlines – ČSA, going daily from the airport Prague-Ruzyně to Brno and back.

To Brno from Prague airport by car

A journey by train takes approx. 3 hours. Trains depart from Hlavní nádraží (Prague Central Station), Praha-Holešovice station and Praha-Smíchov station.

To Brno by bus

Bus - regular services from London, Vienna and Paris travel daily to Brno. A service from Berlin and Rome runs twice a week to Brno.
Transportation options

To Brno by train

By InterCity or EuroCity trains. From Italy and Austria - trains „Dvořák", „Smetana" and „Vindobona". From Germany - trains „Vindobona" and „Hungaria". From Slovakia and Hungary - trains „Panonia", „Amicus", „Slovan" and „Csardas". From Poland - crossing passage on the express train in Ostrava.
Transportation options

To Brno by car

For travelling on the motorway and high-speed roads from Vienna, Prague and Ostrava, a motorway sticker is required. Stickers are available on the frontier, at filling stations or post offices.

On the roads in city of Brno please follow the road signs "BVV" or "Vystaviste".

BVV access by car
Expoparking - first class parking
Exhibition center plan

Public Transport - City of Brno

City transport in Brno will bring you from the city centre to the Exhibition Centre by tram No. 1 or by bus No. 84 and 44 (direction Pisarky).
Public Transport System of Brno (PDF)
Exhibition center plan

GPS geographical coordinates

Main entry ................... 49°11'18.08"N; 16°35'8.26"E
Entry - Hall G2 ........... 49°11'25.95"N; 16°34'46.54"E
Entry 4th gate ............ 49°11'4.89"N; 16°34'55.61"E
Entry 5th gate ............ 49°11'5.57"N; 16°34'33.89"E
Entry 7th gate ............ 49°11'14.19"N; 16°34'19.45"E
Entry 8th gate ............ 49°11'19.12"N; 16°34'16.97"E
Entry 9th gate ............ 49°11'21.05"N; 16°34'10.86"E
Entry 10th gate .......... 49°11'27.99"N; 16°34'14.08"E

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