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29.9. - 3.10. 2014

International Welding Engineering Fair

MSV 2014 Gold Medal


Dear Exhibitors, Dear Business Partners,

Let me inform you that as part of the 56th International Engineering Fair MSV, BVV Trade Fairs Brno organise the MSV 2014 Gold Medal competition this year. The competition is promoted by the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and the University of Technology.

The MSV 2014 Gold Medal has a very attractive conception ensuring a high quality evaluation and the resulting general prestige of the entire competition.

The competition is no longer based on the subject-field classification of the fair but awards will be presented to those innovative exhibits that will be considered by the international evaluation committee as the best.

To facilitate the participation, additional attachments (see the statutes) have been drawn up to help you define the evaluation criteria for the relevant exhibit.

And what benefits await the entrants?

Visible marking of all entered exhibits directly at the exhibition stand throughout the fair.
The nominated exhibits will receive a certificate and the winning exhibits will receive a prize and diploma. The award-winning as well as nominated exhibitors will be given a chance to use their success already at the time of the greatest concentration of the target groups at the fair.
The ceremonial announcement of the results will take place at the gala evening on Monday, 29th  September 2014

We will take care of your presentation:
- in specialist media of the fair media partners (see http://www.bvv.cz/msv),
- in press releases of BVV Trade Fairs Brno,
- on the official website of BVV Trade Fairs Brno –www.bvv.cz, www.bvv.cz/msv, where you will also find:

• general information about the competition, official statutes of the competition,
• presentation of entered and nominated exhibits,
• highlighted presentations of the award-winning exhibits,
• updated information as part of on-line news during the fair.

Dear Exhibitors,
we hope that you will enter your top products in this prestigious competition also this year .
Deadline for entries: 19th September 2014
Blanka Zlatá, Veletrhy Brno, a.s.
Tel.: 541153372,  bzlata@bvv.cz 
Dear Exhibitors, we look forward to our cooperation.
BVV Trade Fairs Brno



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