International Fair for Wood Processing and Furniture Industry

Product Categories
- Machines, technical equipment and services for forestry
- Machines and technical equipment for primary processing (production of semi-finished products)
- Machines and technical equipment for secondary processing (laminating, machining, gluing of solid timber)
- Machines and technical equipment for surface finishing
- Machines and technical equipment for assembly, packaging
- Materials handling, warehousing and commissioning technology
- Robots technology
- Machines and plants for special processes
- Machines and plants for special product groups
- Other auxiliary machines, equipment and devices
- Portable machines for processing of timber and plastics
- Tools and auxiliaries
- Machines and equipment for maintenance and manufacturing of tools
- Products for the equipment of machines
- Use of residual wood (dust, chips, firewood, bark), generation of energy and heating using wood fuel
- Energy saving, environmental protection, occupational safety, fire prevention and air-conditioning
- Electronic data acquisition and data processing equipment; measuring, testing and control systems
- Materials, coatings and chemical products in production of wood and plastics
- Fittings, locks and connecting elements
- Upholstering machines and equipment
- Delivery of complete plants, financing and leasing companies
- Independent computer software (CAD, ERP, production planning and control, etc.)
- Independent services for the wood industries
- Research and testing institutes, educational institutions for the timber and woodworking industries
- Publishers of literature for the timber and woodworking industries
Product Categories - WOODTEC 2021
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