22.-25.10. 2013
International Fair for Wood and Furniture Industry

Supporting programme
Time schedule of the supporting programme of Wood-Tec 2013
The professional sponsor of the supporting programme is the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of Mendel University in Brno along with the Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform, civic association.
The supporting programme is professionally sponsored by Dr. Ing. Petr Horáček, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of Mendel University in Brno.
Contact: Bc. Petra Volejníková,
tel. 545134194,734 433 420, petra.volejnikova@mendelu.cz
Ing. Karel Krontorád, CSc., tel.
545 134 315, karel.krontorad@mendelu.cz
Time schedule of the supporting programme
1st day – 22nd October
The fair and the specialist supporting programme will be officially
opened on 22nd October 2013
at 10.00 a.m. by a panel discussion on „WOOD AS MATERIAL“ at Hall P under the sponsorship of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
of Mendel University in Brno and the Forest-Based Sector Technology
Advanced materials, design and furniture making technologies
- Doc. Ing. Arch. Ludvika Kanická,CSc: How are new materials and technologies translated into the 2013 design
- Ing. Karel Krontorád,CSc: Use of plasma for furniture piece edge gluing
- Ing. Jaroslav Svoboda,Ph.D.: Ions in interior
- Ing. Petr Čech,Ph.D.: Upholstering material VOC emissions
2nd day – 23rd October
Wood as a material and products made of natural materials
- Doc.Ing. Veronika Kotrádyová,Ph.D.: Haptic effects of wood
- Ing. Lenka Hračková: Natural wallet-friendly insulating materials
- Doc.Dr.Ing. Zdeňka Havířová: Current trends in timber-frame structures
- Ing. Luďka Hlásková: Determination of cutting resistance in woof working
- Ing. Vít Novák,Ph.D.: Surface quality for working and its evaluation
3rd day – 24th October
Educational projects
- Doc.Ing. Daniela Tesařová,Ph.D.: Interactive educational portal for furniture makers
- Doc.Dr.Ing. Petr Branecký: Furniture making information system „NIS“
- Ing. Karel Krontorád,CSc: Innovation of teaching in the field of wood-working, furniture making, timber-based structures and furniture design at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology at Mendel University in Brno
The supporting programme will include an educational competition
„Get to know our wood“
The objective of the competition is to show native woody species to the general public of all age groups. During the competition, the contestants can learn how to recognise various types of wood both microscopically and macroscopically. At the same time, they will be able to touch the samples and compare their hardness, colour, shine, scent a well as other characteristics. The displayed posters will also show and describe the main native woody species.
The competition will take place between 9 -12 a.m. on each fair day at the exhibition stand of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of Mendel University in Brno, Hall P, and the results will be announced and prizes awarded each day at 12.30 p.m. at the stand of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of Mendel University in Brno.
The supporting programme will take place during the fair at the lecture hall in the exhibition stand of the LDF MENDELU and ČTPLH, Hall P.
Innovative platform to
increase competitiveness of the Czech Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform
Tuesday 22. 10. 2013, 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Exhibition
stand of the LDF MENDELU and ČTPLH, hall P, No. 043 and 044
Workshop designed especially for representatives of
woodworking companies, for which this project offers interesting possibilities
for presentation on foreign markets, processing of case studies in the sector
and finding appropriate research teams for innovative research and development
Organizer: Czech Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform
19.7.2013 | Programme subject to change.