20.-23.10. 2015
International Fair for Wood Processing and Furniture Industry

- New presentation room right at Hall F
- Attractive supporting programme for sole traders and small businesses
- New technologies and materials, services, specialist seminars and lectures on current topics (funding, grant schemes, changes in the law, ...)
- Presentation and practical demonstrations of the companies with innovations in the field of products, technologies and services
- Competitions, cooperation with specialised media
- Announcement of the „TOP EXHIBIT“ competition results
- Informal meeting for exhibitors and invited trade fair guests
Specifications of WOOD-TEC ARENA
- Space with an installed sound system for lectures or presentations with an elevated stage size of u 10 x 4 m in Hall F annexed building. As a standard, it is fitted with video projection and, as required by the client, it may be equipped with required AV equipment
- Auditorium for 80 - 150 listeners
- The presentations include practical demonstrations both on the stage and in adjacent rooms
- Cafe with wi-fi connection for the visitors
- Visitor registration
Terms and conditions of exhibitor participation
- For exhibitors from Hall F and V we offer company’s presentation on the Woodtec–arena stage for free (space of 1x for a period of 30 minutes, net time 20 minutes)
- Inclusion in the supporting programme is subject to approval by the supporting programme organiser
- The number of presentation times is limited
- Time-limit for registration 15.9.2015
- Contact address for supporting programme registration: jpazdirkova@bvv.cz, +420 541 152 520
Registration form can be downloaded HERE.
Terms and conditions of expert and specialised institution participation ...
- For specialised institutions (ministries, schools, grant agencies, unions,
….) we offer a free presentation on the Woodtec–arena stage (space 1x for a
period of 30 minutes, net time 20 minutes)
- Inclusion in the supporting programme is subject to approval by the supporting programme organiser
- The number of presentation times is limited
- Time-limit for registration 15.9.2015
- Contact address for supporting programme registration: jpazdirkova@bvv.cz, +420 541 152 520
Registration form can be downloaded HERE.