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30.3. - 3.4. 2014

International Veterinary Fair



Dear Exhibitors,

Trade Fairs Brno announces the traditional competition of the best exhibits GRAND PRIX TECHAGRO, ANIMAL VETEX, SILVA REGINA and BIOMASS.

Please allow us to introduce the most important facts about the competition and invite you to participate in it.

  • The competition is intended for the exhibits that are presented at the trade fairs – TECHAGRO, ANIMAL VETEX, SILVA REGINA and BIOMASS. 
  • Members of evaluation committee are professionals in the given fields.  
  • Please find the articles of the competition and the entry form at www.techagro.cz, www.silva-regina.cz, www.animal-vetex.czwww.bvv.cz/biomass in the section Grand Prix (the entry form can be filled in directly in Adobe Reader). 
  • Deadlines
    Entry form deadline date: 28/2/2014
    starting from 1/3/2014 continuously, based on supporting data supplied in electronic and written form and, as the case may be, a visit to the exhibition stands, during the last two days before the official commencement of the fairs
    Results announcement: 30/3/2014


  • Visible labels of all exhibits entered in the competition directly at the stand
  • Winners will receive a trophy and a diploma; a chance to exploit their success already at the time of the highest concentration of target groups of professionals at the fair.
  • We will take care of your presentation:
    - in professional media of the media partners of the fair
    - in press releases, at press conferences and meetings with exhibitors
    - on the website of Trade Fairs Brno  –www.bvv.cz, www.techagro.cz, www.silva-regina.cz, www.animal-vetex.cz, www.bvv.cz/biomass  where you will also find:
    • general information on the competition, official articles of the competition
    • presentation of registered and nominated exhibits
    • highlighted presentations of the winning exhibits
    • continuously updated information in our on-line news during the fair
  • Exhibits nominated for the award will become a part of the presentation that will be projected at the opening ceremony of the faisr Techagro, Animal Vetex, Silva Regina and Biomass which will also be attended by exhibitors, journalists, professionals and important representatives of the relevant fields and of the political and social life.
  • The participation in the competition will allow you to stand out from your competitors and to compare your exhibits with the novelties showcased of other companies and to present them both to the visitors and to the exhibitors. 
  • The prestigious awards Grand Prix Techagro, Grand Prix Animal Vetex, Grand Prix Silva Regina and Grand Prix Biomass provide an efficient business argument for the award-winning companies which they can use to the best advantage in their marketing and presentation materials, on their websites and in show rooms.  

Due to the fact that the results of the competition are known and announced on the first day of the fair, all nominees and winners have the opportunity to translate their success into their marketing strategy right from the beginning of the fair.

Dear Exhibitors, we believe that your state-of-the-art products and novelties that you are getting ready for the fairs - TECHAGRO, ANIMAL VETEX, SILVA REGINA and BIOMASS, will be among the exhibits entering into this prestigious competition.

Trade Fairs Brno

Veletrhy Brno, a.s.
Blanka Zlatá
Výstaviště 1, 647 00 Brno,
tel.: 541 152 372, 721656227
e-mail: bzlata@bvv.cz

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