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7.-9.2. 2023

International Fair for Packaging and Printing

Best prices for exhibitors only until the end of November


The 31st edition of the EmbaxPrint International Fair for Packaging and Printing will take place at the Brno Exhibition Centre From 7 to 9 February 2023. Due to the professional focus of the fair, it is a suitable place for establishing new contacts, presenting new products on the market and meeting existing customers.

Regular deadline for applying for EmbaxPrint is fast approaching. Exhibition space at the best prices can be purchased only until 30 November 2022.

How to apply

Among the companies that have signed up are ONDRÁŠEK INK-JET SYSTEM, Arcon Machinery, Golpretech Czech Republic, Videojet Technologies Czechia, CYKLOS Choltice, Bottling Printing, Vekamaf, SOPACK, Ink Jet Servis or HENNLICH.

The partner and professional sponsor of the fair is the SYBA Packaging Institute, which is the organiser of the Packaging of the Year competition. The Packaging Live demo packaging line, which will demonstrate the complex packaging process in practice directly at the fair, will provide an interesting extra programme during the event.


Date: 28 Nov 2022 09:00:00

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