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The biggest show of franchising opportunities in the Czech Republic

Trade Fair Target Groups
Basic description of Franchise Meeting Point:
- It is designed for small and medium-sized businesses
- It is a place of communication with customers
- It is a unique place for presenting new ideas, trends and business innovations
- It offers opportunities to those who have decided to start their own business
- Franchisors from the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and other countries
- SMEs offering their goods and services
- Banks, financial institutions providing capital, investors, venture capital, private equity, business angels
- Leasing companies, insurance companies, insurance brokers
- Entities offering services and goods for franchise systems and SMEs – racking systems
- IT services, office and warehouse equipment, etc.
- Real estate agents (land, offices)
- Tradesmen and small building firms
- Franchising, tax, legal, financial consultants
- Developers, real estate agents, architects
- Representatives of municipalities offering business opportunities for franchise systems and SMEs
- Education and training institutions
- Czech Franchise Association (ČAF) and representatives of national franchising associations and international consultants
- European and other funds, foundations, programmes in support of business
- Representatives of media, publishers, newspaper and magazine publishers
- Advertising, media and marketing agencies
- Suppliers of communication and IT technology namely for SMEs
- Representatives of local administration, Ministry for Regional Development, government agencies supporting SMEs - Czech Invest, Czech Trade, etc.
- E-commerce, internet shops
- Representatives of associations especially in the area of SMEs
- Candidates for franchising from among the lay and professional public – potential master franchisors and franchisors
- Existing franchisors and franchisees from the Czech Republic and other countries (participants in accompanying programmes seeking new information, analysing competitors, information on franchising trends, market development, new offers by competitors, interest of public in franchising, etc.)
- Those who do not do business yet – university graduates, students, unemployed executives, employees with various firms, former professional soldiers, housewives, etc.
- Entities offering or seeking capital ventures and possibilities to invest, for example in franchise projects (purchasing a brand)
- SME's and their staff
- Business partners – potential exhibitors who do not exhibit but wish to obtain information, contacts, to take part in accompanying programmes, offer their services and goods, etc.