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28.2. - 3.3. 2019

International Fair for Motorcycles, ATVs, Accessories and Clothing
(Prague - Letňany)

Motosalon 2019: Record-breaking Interest from Exhibitors and Visitors


The tenth international fair of motorcycles, ATVs, accessories and clothing, Motosalon this year took place under the direction of BVV Trade Fairs Brno at Prague’s Letňany from 28 February to 3 March 2019. The traditional opening of the motorcycling season was visited by 64 000 visitors. The largest number were on Saturday, when the exhibition was visited by almost 26 000 motorcycling fans. 160 journalists were accredited in the press centre.

Motosalon will be taking places also over the next five years alternating between Brno and Prague. This has been agreed by representatives of the motorcycle section of the Car Importers Association, which arranges the exhibition and representatives of BVV Trade Fairs Brno, which is the organiser of the exhibition.

Motosalon was placed, thanks to increasing interest from exhibitors in five halls at Prague Exhibition Centre in Letňany, and the accompanying programme took place on the stage, at the exhibits of exhibitors and in the free spaces in front of the entrance hall. On an area of 22 000 square metres the exhibition involved some 162 exhibitors and another 70 represented firms with more than 366 brands. All the major brands active on the Czech motorcycling market exhibited at Motosalon. „Motosalon fulfilled expectations of record visitor numbers and confirmed the significant interest of Czech society motorcycles. It is a great challenge for further improvement, to have the eleventh year in Brno improve on the already high level of the exhibition. A motorcycle is not just a means of transport, but for many Czechs also a passion,“ said Josef Pokorný, secretary of the Car Importers Association.


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