2.-4.6. 2021
Smart Municipal Solutions

Speakers of the URBIS SMART CITY FAIR 2021 conference
Petr Achs
Innovation Center of the Ústí Region
Miroslav Antol
OMS Intelligence Solutions
Michal Bláha
Hlídač státu (whistleblower)
Martin Böhm
Secretary-General of C-Roads Platform / Head of Business Unit Digital Infrastructure & Data AustriaTech - Gesellschaft des Bundes für technologiepolitische Maßnahmen GmbH
David Černý
Institute of State and Law, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Chairman of the Ethical Commission for the Assessment of Issues Associated with the Operation of Automated and Autonomous Vehicles in the Conditions of the Czech Republic at the Ministry of Transport
Tereza Čížková
Deputy Director for Autonomous Mobility and Research, Development and Innovation, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
Albert Engels
Romana Gábrlíková
Lukáš Grůza
Statutory city of Brno
Martin Hák
Deputy Mayor of Český Krumlov
Lukáš Hataš
Association for Electromobility of the Czech Republic
Kadri Haufe
Chief Commercial Officer at Ridango, RIDANGO
Jan Herget
Czech tourism
Tomáš Hutta
OMS Intelligence Solutions
Tereza Chrástová
Statutory city of Brno
Petr Janda
head of the SSZ and CŘD department, Brněnské komunikace a.s.
Jan Jelínek
Ministry of Regional Development CZ
Dan Jiránek
Director of the Section for Projects and Innovative Approaches of the SMO CR
Miloslav Jurík
Smart Cities Club
Jaroslav Kacer
Urbis Smart City Fair
Pavla Kadlecová
Open Cities
Jana Klánová
Tomáš Kratochvíl
Teplárny Brno
František Kubeš
Statutory city of Brno
Michal Kuzmič
IPR Prague
Vladimir Levarsky
OMS Intelligence Solutions
Zdeněk Lokaj
Deputy Vice-Dean for Strategy and External Relations, Faculty of Transport, Czech Technical University in Prague
Jiří Marek
Open cities
Agata Materna
Digital Project Specialist, Poznan
László Mátyus
Bára Netopilová
Kumšt - creative hub Brno
Petr Novotný
Yuliya Ostrenko
Adam Pajgrt
Capital City of Prague
Michal Pavel
chief researcher dept. European research projects AŽD Praha s.r.o.
Jaroslav Petrák
Patrik Reichl
CEO of Czechinvest
Jakub Rybář
Marek Sebera
Open Cities
Petr Selník
Chairman, Council for Green Roofs
Marián Slávik
OMS Intelligence Solutions
Lucie Smolka
Open Cities
David Škorňa
Vít Šnajdr
Kutná Hora
Joanna Tobolewicz
Traian Urban
Director, EIT Urban Mobility, Innovation Hub East
Tomáš Vácha
Pavla Vidanová
Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Radka Vladyková
Executive Director of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
Jiří Vítek
New Technology Developer, O2 Czech Republic a.s.
Dominic Weiss
Head of the Smart City Agency, Vienna
Aneta Zachová
Jan Žák
Project manager, Dopravní podnik města Brna a.s.