3.-7.4. 2016
International Veterinary Fair

Dear Exhibitors,
Trade Fairs Brno announces the traditional competition of the best exhibits GRAND PRIX TECHAGRO, SILVA REGINA,ANIMAL VETEX, and BIOMASS.
Please allow us to introduce the most important facts about the competition and invite you to participate in it.
The competition is intended for the exhibits that are presented at the trade fairs – TECHAGRO, SILVA REGINA,ANIMAL VETEX, and BIOMASS.
- Members of evaluation committee are professionals in the given fields.
- The articles of the competition and the entry form
- Visible labels of all exhibits entered in the competition directly at the stand
- Winners will receive a trophy and a diploma; a chance to exploit their success already at the time of the highest concentration of target groups of professionals at the fair.
- We will take care of
your presentation:
- in professional media of the media partners of the fair
- in press releases, at press conferences and meetings with exhibitors
- on the website of Trade Fairs Brno –,,,, where you will also find:
- general information on the competition, official articles of the competition
- presentation of registered and nominated exhibits
- highlighted presentations of the winning exhibits
- continuously updated information in our on-line news during the fair
- Exhibits nominated for the award will become a part of the presentation that will be projected at the opening ceremony of the faisr Techagro, Animal Vetex, Silva Regina and Biomass which will also be attended by exhibitors, journalists, professionals and important representatives of the relevant fields and of the political and social life.
- The participation in the competition will allow you to stand out from your competitors and to compare your exhibits with the novelties showcased of other companies and to present them both to the visitors and to the exhibitors.
- The prestigious awards Grand Prix Techagro, Grand Prix Animal Vetex, Grand Prix Silva Regina and Grand Prix Biomass provide an efficient business argument for the award-winning companies which they can use to the best advantage in their marketing and presentation materials, on their websites and in show rooms.
Due to the fact that the results of the competition are known and announced on the first day of the fair, all nominees and winners have the opportunity to translate their success into their marketing strategy right from the beginning of the fair.
Important information
- Entry form deadline date: 20/3/2016
- starting from 21/3/2016 continuously, based on supporting data supplied in electronic and written form and, as the case may be, a visit to the exhibition stands, during the last two days before the official commencement of the fairs
Results announcement
- 3/4/2016
Dear Exhibitors, we believe that your state-of-the-art products and novelties that you are getting ready for the fairs - TECHAGRO, SILVA REGINA, ANIMAL VETEX, and BIOMASS, will be among the exhibits entering into this prestigious competition.
Trade Fairs Brno
Veletrhy Brno, a.s.
Blanka Zlatá
Výstaviště 1, 647 00 Brno, tel.: 541 153 372, 721656227, e-mail:
GRAND PRIX 2016 - The Evaluation Committee
doc. Ing. Jiří Mašek, Ph.D, Chairman of the Committee
TF ČZU v Praze
doc. Ing. Mašek graduated from the Technical Faculty at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural Machines of TF ČZU in Prague and at the same time acts as the vice dean for pedagogical activities of the Technical Faculty. He specialises in soil cultivation technologies and grain harvesting. He is a member of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Czech Mechanical Engineering Society, Scientific Board of the Technical Faculty and Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences at the ČZU in Prague, Society for Ploughing of the CR, the Club of Agricultural Journalists and Publicists, the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists and the European Network of Agricultural Journalists and member of the editorial board of the journal Mechanizace zemědělství.
Ing. Peter Pernis, Secretary of the Committee
Ing. Pernis graduated from the Faculty of Mechanisation of the University of Agriculture in Nitra (SR) and for some time he worked as a machinery operator in an agricultural company. Since 1985 he has worked in the Testing Laboratory of Agricultural, Food Industry and Forestry Machines, J.S.C., Praha 6 – Řepy. He has held a number of posts here from the testing technician and head of specialised department – tractor laboratory to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and director of the company which post he has held since 2009 to date.
prof. Ing. František Bauer, CSc.
prof. Ing. Bauer is a professor in the field of agricultural equipment and mechanisation at the Department of Technology and Automobile Transport, Faculty of Agrisciences at Mendel University in Brno. Guarantor of the subject: tractors and automobiles, mobile and energy systems, motor vehicles, hydraulic and pneumatic mechanisms. He gives lectures in the doctoral study programme agricultural equipment and mechanisation. Guarantor of the subject tractors at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Brno University of Technology. He leads or is engaged in several research and grant projects in the field of agricultural equipment. He has published a number of scientific and specialised studies. He gives regular lectures for the Regional Agrarian Chamber and companies dealing in agricultural equipment.
doc. Ing. Jiří Fryč, CSc.
"doc. Ing. Fryč graduated from University of Agriculture in Brno, the field of mechanisation in agriculture. He eared the CSc. degree in 1992 and the scientific-pedagogical degree of associate professor in 2004.
In 1978-1980, he worked at the cooperative farm JZD Domašov and between 1980-1983 in Agrostav Brno-venkov.
Since 1983 he has worked as a university lecturer at the Institute of Agricultural, Food-processing and Environmental Technologies at the Faculty of AgriSciences at MENDELU in Brno where he is currently the deputy head of the department. In terms of lectures and research he specialises in equipment for animal production and transport and handling."
Ing. Václav Hlaváček, CSc.
Ing. Hlaváček graduated from the field of gardening at the University of Agriculture in Brno and earned the scientific degree of candidate of sciences. After graduating, he held a number of posts in agricultural operation : agronomist- specialist, head of production and vice chairman in charge of cooperative farm management. Between 1993-1995 he was the director of ZVOD Hustopeče and between 1995-2008 director of ZVOS Hustopeče, a.s. Between 2005 - 2008 he was also Chairman of the Board of Directors. He held several posts at the Agrarian Chamber. Between 1997-2005, he was president of the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic. He was member of the scientific board of the Research Institute of Animal Production in Uhříněvec and the scientific board of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economy in Prague. Since 2006 he has been Chairman of the Regional Agrarian Chamber of the South Moravian Region.
doc. MVDr. Josef Illek, DrSc.
VFU Brno
doc. MVDr. Illek graduated from the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Agriculture in Brno. After graduation, he worked at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmaceutical University in Brno holding various posts. Currently he chairs the Clinical Laboratory for Large Animals. In 1979, he earned the CSc. degree, in 1987 he was appointed associate professor and in 1988 he earned the DrSc degree. His lectures and research focus on ruminant diseases and development of laboratory diagnostics of metabolic and production diseases in livestock. He is a member of several specialised panels and editorial boards of scientific and professional journals in the CR as well as abroad. He is president of the Czech Society of Buiatrics. He attended a number of student attachments at veterinary universities around the world. His work is widely published.
doc. Ing. Milan Kroulík, Ph.D.
TF ČZU v Praze
doc. Ing. Kroulík graduated from the Technical Faculty of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He works as the associate professor at the Department of Agricultural Machinery where he holds the post of deputy head of the department. He specialises in equipment and technologies for precise agriculture ,field robotics, digital soil mapping, equipment and technologies for soil cultivation, sowing and soil production. As a researcher or co-researcher he has been actively engaged in several national projects and research objectives. He was also a member of the research team of the project within the 7th EU Framework Programme - iSoil. He publishes on a regular basis in scientific and specialist journals, gives lectures at international conferences and also gives lecturers to the professional public. He is the author of several outcomes protected by copyright. He is also engaged in activities associated with the organisation of specialised events, seminars and competitions. He is a member of the evaluation committee of the grant agency ČZU, Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the editorial board of the journal Mechanizace zemědělství.
prof. Dr. Ing. František Kumhála
TF ČZU v Praze
prof. Dr. Ing. Kumhála graduated from the Faculty of Mechanisation, the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He is a professor at the Department of Agricultural Machinery at the Technical Faculty of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He currently works as the deputy head of the Department of Agricultural Machinery. He specialises in harvesting equipment and precise agriculture. He is a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Research in Agricultural Engineering (RAE) issued by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
doc. Ing. Jiří Remeš, Ph.D.
FLD ČZU v Praze
doc. Ing. Remeš graduated from the field of forest engineering at the Faculty of Forestry, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Silviculture, Forestry and Wood Sciences of (FLD) ČZU in Prague where he also works as the Vice Dean for study and pedagogical activities. He specialises in nature-close forest management, recovery of forest ecosystems and their ecological stability, evaluation of the production potential and ecological risks of introduced wood species cultivation. He has recently been focusing on comprehensive assessment of various types of forest management, including their economic impacts. He participates in a number of projects related to applied forestry research (as a coordinator (or main researcher) in two NAZV projects and two TAČR projects). He published the research results in leading scientific journals. He reviews several domestic and foreign journals, is a member of specialist, editorial and expert boards, member of the scientific board of the FLD ČZU in Prague and he also reviews the research projects of the National Agency for Agricultural Research and the Slovak APPV. He is a member of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Vice Chairman of the Czech Society of Forestryy.
prof. Ing. Vladimír Rataj, Ph.D.
TF SPU Nitra
prof. Ing. Rataj graduated from the Faculty of Mechanisation at the University of Agriculture in Nitra. He became a professor in the field of agricultural equipment and mechanisation at the Technical Faculty of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He works at the Technical Faculty of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, in the field of agricultural and forestry process mechanisation. He specialises in the use of agricultural equipment in production processes. He focuses on the use of information-communication technologies in equipment control and systems of precise agriculture with impacts on their economic efficiency. He leads or cooperates on numerous research tasks. He publishes and gives lectures for the academic community and for farmers.
doc. Ing. Radomír Klvač, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Klvač is an associate professor in the field of forestry and wood technology and the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology at MENDELU in Brno. Previously he worked for a foreign university and for five years he was engaged in the operation of forest production. He was deeply involved in the field of wood exploitation and forest biomass processing for energy purposes, secondary removal of biomass and wood and the assessment of adverse impacts of forest equipment on the environment. He reviews a number of international journals and is a member of two editorial boards. He is a widely published author in prestigious international journals. He has been engaged in this field for over 15 years.
Petr Hájek, MSc., Ph.D.
Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU) Vienna
Is a graduate of the master programme Trade and Business Dealing with Machinery and of the Ph.D. programme Technical equipment and mechanization in agriculture from the Faculty of Engineering at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic. During his studies he participated in study exchanges and internships in the EU. For many years he was the COO in a company focused on technical and garden services in Czech republic. Currently he is a manager in an Austrian company focusing on plant protection and fertilizer products for the Austrian and German market. Additionally he is a projekct coordinator at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) - (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien), where he is responsible for the development, support, marketing and coordination between the participating members/divisions of the project.
Dr. Timo Oksanen
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
"Dr. Oksanen has been working in the field of agriculture, robotics, electronics and ICT in agriculture for 13 years. While working Helsinki University of Technology and Aalto University, he has completed numerous research projects in his field together with agronomists and companies. He has remarkable experience in prototyping various agricultural machinery. He received Doctor of Science in Technology degree in the field of automation technology 2007 and title of docent in agricultural engineering 2013. Dr. Oksanen has a long experience working with ISO 11783 standard and its development and related technologies. Besides research activities, he is active teacher in university, teaching both automation technologies, robotics and agricultural engineering."
prof. Dr. Denis Stajnko
University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Dr. Denis Stajnko recieved BSc diploma in Crop production (1989) and MSc diploma in Agriculture (1992), both at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. 1989-1992 Assistant to Professor at the Institute of Crop Production, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Between 1992 and 1998 sales manager in MAKO, Slovenia. Since 1999 is working at the Institute for Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Maribor. Ph.D. in 2004 at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, since 2014 is a Full Professor in the field of Agricultural Engineering responsible for courses Agricultural machinery in Crop Production, Glasshouse management, Basics of Irrigation, Indoor Mechanization, Visualization of the Bioprocesses. Research work and research priorities: Image analysis and processing for the application in Apple and Pear yield estimation, Automatization in Orchard Spraying, Development and evaluation of conservation tillage systems, Footprint evaluation of the Glasshouse and Crop production. He is the advisor for early apple and pear yield forecast in the WAPA (World apple and pear association), member of the Organizing committee of International Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, Member of CIGR and EurAgEng, Editor of the Glasnik zaštite bilja, scientific reviewer for Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde, Biomass & bioenergy, Biosystems engineering, British journal of applied science and technology, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, European journal of horticultural science, Plant, soil and environment, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies.
Ing. Jiří Souček, Ph.D.
VUZT Praha
Ing. Jiří Souček, Ph.D. works at the Research Institute of Agricultural Equipment. His activities focus on research and innovation of equipment and technologies in the field of bioenergetics and agro-ecology. He attended studies at the Technical Faculty of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He is a member of several professional associations and has been appointed the representative of the Czech Republic in the working group Clear Air For Europe in the European Commission.
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